Wednesday, September 30, 2009

There's a Wedding this Weekend...

So, as I've mentioned several times in the course of this blog, my dear friend is getting married. The happy day happens to be this Saturday and I'm very excited.

When my dear friend met her intended I knew right away that this was a different kind of boyfriend. You see, this friend of mine had dated a lot of people. A lot of men with very different personalities and styles-- just about everything imaginable. This friend didn't have a type so it was hard to tell when she was serious about someone or not.

I knew when she liked someone though, because she would talk about him all the time. But soon, once the "newness" wore off, she would start talking to convince herself that he was the "right" guy for her and he never was.

But then one day she stopped talking about the guy she was dating. If I wanted details or to know the general status of her romantic relationship, I actually had to ask. And that was when I knew it was serious.

Several years and a joint mortgage later, my dear friend and her intended will be wed on October 3rd, 2009 at Lake Waccamaw, NC; where they live their life.

The ceremony will be sweet and simple. The whole fete will be by the lake that is so special to this couple and I can't wait to be a witness to it all. 

1 comment:

  1. I wish them the best of luck. Take lots of pictures or even better some video of their NC wedding and post it here. I look forward to hearing the details.
    RC Patton -
