Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Dream House...

Happy news y'all! The Hubster and I have finally decided and agreed upon a house plan. Can you believe it? I'm a little shocked myself, but I'm very happy with our final decision.

Soon after we got married in 2007 we started pulling house plan books at Lowes' and my mother-in-law, that works in a library, checked us out 1 or 2 or 5 different books with all sorts of plans. We'd go through them apart and flag the pages with the plans we'd like the best and then swap. And after reviewing each other’s choices, we'd weed out the ones that were deal-breakers until we decided on a common idea, size, and style.

Unfortunately for us, we never could really find a style, idea, or size in common and sense we were not looking to build any time soon, it wasn't such a big deal. Hubster likes brick, and I like siding-- or painted brick which the Hubster thinks is a terrible idea-- he likes pediments, and I like dormer windows. Truth be told, I like brick and I like pediments. In fact, I'm just nuts over pediments and brick and if you slap some columns up front down a long, deep porch-- I'm dying with satisfaction. Really!

Last year for UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy) I did a presentation on the Historic Architecture of Eastern North Carolina and re-discovered my love of Greek Revival Style Architecture or Neoclassical Design and ever since, the Hubster and I have been focusing on one architect-- William Poole.

William Poole is a genius. His work drips in Southern ideals of the old and modernizes them. His open floor plans behind Classical architectural facades send shivers down my spine. Literally-- I sit and type and shake like a toy-teacup poodle just thinking about his smart and well-planned designs.

It also doesn't hurt that Mr. Poole lives and works in Wilmington, NC-- probably the greatest little city on the Eastern Seaboard that constantly gets over shadowed by Charleston and Savannah. But I digress-- after a year and half of talking and months of comparing online plans at we have picked "Belle Grove" (which I cannot post on this blog due to copyright restrictions).

But if you would like to see our Dream Home-- the plan we just can't live without-- feel free to visit the website and search "Belle Grove."

Now readers, please note, this house is not brick-- but we're thinking that it will look good bricked. Also it is a little bigger than what we would like-- but we think we might be able to scale it down just a tad. And please be aware, we are not ready to start building just yet, but when we do decide-- we'll have a fabulous plan.

Hopefully a little trip down I-40 will be planned soon so we can make the first purchase towards our new dream home.

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