Stumbling Along (A Little About Me)...

I don't know a lot about computers or websites.  I'm stumbling through here people-- stumbling through!  But I do like to write... which lead me to blogging.  I don't know if I'm a good writer.  I used to be good at it in school, but that writing was never just for fun or just to document random thoughts, either.  As having never been graded on my random thoughts, I truly have no idea if I have a talent for it or if I need more work.

I blog for the fun of it... for the shear cathartic release that it sometimes lends.

And with that being said, I'll give you the run down on my background. 

I grew up in a very rural area in Eastern North Carolina, on a farm surrounded by tons of family and remain, slightly displaced, from that rural area today.  I live about five minutes from where my parent's live and where I grew up... this actually puts me in a whole other county.

I married a lovely young man some years ago that I refer to (in this blog, not in person) as 'The Hubster', and even though we are techinally "newlyweds" we are edging into "young married couple" status which means people are expecting me to magically produce offspring.  That is the top, number one question people ask me:  "When are y'all having a baby?"  Like it really is there business. 

The Hubster and I live, slightly displaced in a whole other county, on the outskirts of a small town with our bulldog, Buddy.  He does not like animals, including dogs.  He does love, however, with an undying passion to dig holes as well as eat non-nutritive food sources, such as lawn mowers and golf carts... which is the main reason he lives with The Hubster and me.  Buddy belonged to my Uncle first, which is where he got the name, "Buddy."  I would have named him Bocephus.

I attended college at a private university where I majored in Psychology.  After college I did graduate school, at the same private university, and received a degree in School Counseling.  I currenlty work at a large elementary school as a counselor.  I love the challenge of the work and I hope that I help empower my students in making wise choices-- now and in the future.

And with an eye towards the future, I've got big plans for myself.  I'm not so sure I'm through with school.  I really enjoyed being a student and I really wouldn't mind getting a certificate in administration or something that would give me some more options for when I get 15 years into the job and need a new "lease on life."  Moreover, I'm very interested in design-- mainly interior design.  I toy with it as a hobby now and hope to pursue this "hobby" as a part-time business one day.

As for now, The Hubster and I are in the beginning phases of building THE HOUSE.  We've been working on plans and were waiting to hear back from the builder as to what we do next.  I'm excited but I'm nervous at the same time.  I feel that an actual-to-goodness mortgage is our first step into real adulthood.  And stepping into adulthood means, I'm afraid, letting go of some of my childish vices... like excessive and selfish shopping.

But, just as I don't really know a lot about computers or websites... I'm stumbling through life as well.  Thanks for dropping in and feel free to stumble along with me!