Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Presented by the Letter "f"...

So I've just about resigned myself to the idea that at least one day out of the week has to be just plain craptastic in order for you (I say you and mean I) to appreciate the rest of the other 6 days. Here's hoping that today was my crappy day.

And in an effort to not live in the past, I'm going to spare you (I say you and mean you) the dreary details. I mean, who cares if signals got crossed and some meeting went unplanned? I mean, in the grand scheme of things, large and small, does one little meeting matter? I think not... especially when, at the end of the day, nothing would be decided, improved upon, or changed.

So moving on...

In my mailbox this afternoon the hubster and I got an invitation to a bridal shower. A few years ago, men would never have been invited to a shower, at least not down here in the South. Now, suddenly, everyone is having couples showers. Part of me thinks this trend is great, especially when I get invited to a shower for one of his relatives or friends'. After all, why should I be the one that has to get all dressed up and eat cream cheese finger sandwiches at his people's party while he gets to sit at home and do whatever he likes in his underwear?

This shower invitation is pretty special for a number of reasons (I feel a list coming on):

The shower has three different and distinct things going on as entertainment value. 1) Its a pig-pickin' which means that there will be a gang of liquored up middle aged men talking about the proper combination of "vin-e-gar" to hot peppers in the "bar-bee-que" sauce. 2) It's westerned themed because according to the invite, "themes are fun." & 3) It's an A-to-Z shower.

We've been assigned the letter "F". I don't know if I should be offended or not. I can think of many words that start with the letter "F," but I'm having trouble coming up with an item that a young couple would want. On the flip side, I'm very thankful that I'm not the poor sap that got stuck with the letters, "Q, X, Y, and Z."

So far I've came up with Flag, Fork, and Fondue Set. When Hubby gets home I'm going to ask his opinion.

I'm a little worried about the "western wear" part. I have a feeling I'm going to be a party pooper on that end. I'm not big on themes and I have a hard time participating in them because 1) I'd have to go buy something special that I'd probably never wear again and that would be wasting money and taking away from my ability to buy things I'd actually like and would wear all the time, like a new pair of Joe's Jeans that I really want from Antropologie; 2) even if the whole party is completely decked out in cowboy hats and wranglers, I just can't risk looking "dumb"-- I can't even do puppets at work with the little kiddies because I would feel "stupid" even though I know the kid's would love it; and finally 3) I'm uptight... well, I guess I covered that in # 2. But it's still true.

Deep down inside, I'm still that snotty little 6th grader that is "like too cool" for dressing up and acting silly. So I'm probably just going to wear a nice little outfit and maybe some turquoise jewelry or something.

I'll get the hubby to wear his cowboy boots (yes, he does own a pair) and we'll pretend he's George Strait and I'm Rachel Zoe or someone fabulous that doesn't do themes either (and I bet she doesn't either).

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