Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Movie I'd Like Not to Remember...

Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike Nicholas Sparks? Well, I do. I do, I do, I do. Almost as much as I dislike Thomas Kinkade, the artist. The other night, Sunday night to be exact, the hubster and I were flipping channels. Correction, the hubster was flipping channels because I'm convinced that he is deathly afraid of commercials, I however, was flipping through the fabulous September issue of Vogue.

Where was I? Oh yes, we were sitting on the couch flipping away, when the hubster suddenly paused on "Nights in Rodanthe," a movie (for those of you that don't know) that was on Cinemax based on the book by Nicholas Sparks. I assumed the hubster stopped there because he assumed that the movie was about the charming little Outer Banks town in our state. And it sort of was. He stopped on the part just before some minor hurricane was coming through and that just sucked dear old hubby in. We North Carolinian's are little nutty over hurricanes. The hubster didn't realize that he was watching a Mr. Sparks original.

Before I could warn him that I very much dislike these types of stories, we were "committed" to the movie. Cheap trick Mr. Sparks-- sneaking in actual places into your stories!

Actually, I've been hip to his tricks since the very beginning. My mom has been a "fan" for years and was the first person I knew of that loved everything Sparks. She would read his books in a quiet corner, dabbing at the tears rolling down her face, and between sobs saying, "you really should read this-- it's so good and its based in North Carolina!"

No thank you. I don't think Mr. Sparks and I would get along. I'm sure that he is a perfectly nice and sensitive man, so I hope he doesn't take offense. I'm just not a "pick up a good book and cry" kind of girl. I'm a Celia Rivenbark-- please make me laugh kind of girl.

My first encounter with the man's work was the movie "A Walk to Remember" starring Mandy Moore. The movie was a painful, painful look at love and loss and after viewing the heartbreaking film, I wished it was a movie I couldn't remember.

After that, I decided that I don't want anything to do with anything Mr. Sparks' does-- even if I keep hearing, "oh, but the book is sooooooooooooooooo much better than the movie." Who cares? If I wanted to be sad, I'd got sit at the animal shelter or something equally as depressing.

"Nights in Rodanthe" ended in perfect Sparks style-- yet another movie taking an in depth look at the joy and pain love can bring. The hubster looked over at me as the credits began to roll and said, "This was just god awful!" Bless his little heart.

I should have warned him.

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