Friday, September 18, 2009

It's a Big Weekend in Emily Land...

First of all, it's "International Talk Like a Pirate" day on Saturday. Argh! I don't know that I'll be participating, but I had to mention it for those of you (even though no one reads this blog) interested in letting your inner pirate out. You know, pirates have gotten some bad press this year and I bet participation is going to be down. Damned Somalia Pirates have to ruin everything for everybody.

Besides being "Talk like a Pirate" Day, tomorrow night is also the BBQ- A to Z- Western Themed Shower for my good friend and her intended. If you remember from a few posts back, the Hubster and I got the letter "F."

I've decided to purchase a couple decorative garden flags because "flags" starts with the letter "f." I'll probably pick something with their initial on it. You know us Southern gals just love to slap a monogram on just about anything we can. I've got a friend that had her shower curtain monogrammed and I'd love to find someone that could do a few lampshades.

I personally think that the custom of monogramming started near 'bout 1865, the year the "war" was lost, or as a few of my UDC sisters call it, "The War of Northern Aggression," (I kid you not) leaving us bitter and cynical (although I'm cynical for completely different reasons) and yelling phrases like, "the South will rise again!"

My best guess is that the women of our southland became incredibly possessive. These Southern Belles are mostly responsible for every tombstone, statue, plaque or monument erected for the Confederate dead and after years and years of marking hallowed grounds they probably decided to start putting their mark on personal property as well.

I can just imagine some little old 19th century lady coming to a UDC meeting with her nice white apron on with her initials carefully embroidered on the front and all the other little old UDC ladies just going ape shit over it.

But I digress. We will be attending the BBQ-A to Z-Western Themed shower with our "F" gift sans the Western Wear. Instead I'm thinking of wearing the very piratey Frances shirt I just got from J. Crew (see below) with a black cardigan over the top of it (in case I start to 'shiver me timbers' in the cool night air).

Afterall, it will be International Talk like a Pirate day!

Have a good weekend, y'all!

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