Thursday, September 10, 2009

Won't You Drive My Sleigh Tonight?...

I think my seasonal allergy "issue" is just a full blown cold working itself into a full blown sinus infection.  Great!  I've not had a sinus infection in over a year (knock on wood) and I'd like to keep it that way if possible. 

I probably picked something up from the kids at school.  The other day I walked a kindergarten student to his car, hand in hand, and I'm pretty positive he had just picked a booger sheer moments before.  Yuck!  A hazard of the job I suppose.

Last year around this very same time, I had the same thing.  Last year, at this very same time, I was helping give an IQ/Achievement test to our 3rd graders.  Last year, a big eyed, blonde little 3rd grader looked me dead in the face and asked, "Are you sick?"  I thought, 'oh how sweet, she really cares about if I feel sick or not' and before I could answer she sputtered, "Because your nose is really, really red."  Gee, thanks.

Fast forward to this year.  I'm sick again, helping out in the same classroom, again, with this IQ/Achievement test when the same little girl, one who evidently didn't pass her grade, looks at me and says again, "Are you sick?  Because your nose is really red." 

Got to love those kids, huh?

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