Monday, September 21, 2009

Mircale Product Monday-- NeilMed Sinus Rinse...

Two weeks ago, I was sick with an allergy/cold that I was afraid was going to turn into a sinus infection or worse--maybe the Swine Flu. And even though, Swine Flu or H1N1 really isn't all that bad, unless you happen to be pregnant or diabetic and in that case, it could kill you, I still don’t want it. However, missing a couple days work wouldn’t bother me either.

Turns out, my allergy cold never got the chance to turn into anything major because of a little miracle product called, “NeilMed Sinus Rinse.” I purchased this little gem at my local Target after my mom’s doctor had recommended that she get a box. And being the type that loves to buy things—anything, even contraptions that push water through one nostril to the other, I just couldn’t say no.

So I quickly put a box in my cart and continued shopping, excited and a little nervous as to what this “NeilMed Sinus Rinse” might bring. The box claims that it is the “#1 Physician Prescribed OTC Nasal Rinse” out there. It also had a little bulleted list saying that it is drug free, safe, and would not cause any “burning or stinging” which sounded just wonderful.

What’s in the box? I know you sinus sufferers are just dying to know as you sniffle and wipe your running nose with the back of your hand. Yuck—but we all do it, especially this time of year when the seasons start to change.

In your kit you get a 240mL or 8oz bottle with a “custom designed cap” which really looks like a giant Afrin Nasal Spray top—but it’s big enough that you can’t jam the “custom designed cap” inside your nose.

You also get 50 packets of “USP Grade Sodium Chloride & Sodium Bicardonate Mixture” and an educational brochure about how to use the product.

First of all, you have to use warm to room temperature sterilized or bottled water. I like my water a little warm so I’ve taken to boiling water a few hours before I decide to use the rinse. If it’s too cold for me, then I warm it up in the microwave.

Once you’ve gotten your water ready, you fill the bottle to the 240mL line, dump in a packet of the salt mixture, and shake it up. The salt, I guess, dissolves into the water.

Now for the fun part: The kit brochure instructs you to stand over the sink with your mouth open to breath out of and just in case some of the solution decides to come out the back of your throat (and in my experience it can), and place the black cap up to one nostril of your nose. Squeeze the bottle. Water will go up one nostril and out the other, which is just as freaky as freaky can be. When you squeeze to the half-way point (120mL) then you switch to the other nostril and repeat.

Two weeks ago when I was just sure I was tittering on the edge of something serious that would result in going to the doctor’s office with all of the sick-sad-sacks out there, I had remembered I had “NeilMed” and I should give it a try.

Right after I bought the “NeilMed” kit I had used it and then got out of practice. At the time, I was suffering with severe (for me) seasonal allergies and it seemed to help at the time. But once my seasonal allergies had subsided, I put away the kit, because I didn’t need it. Silly me.

Honestly, I didn’t really enjoy putting water up my nose and I was terrified I would drown doing it. In other words, I wasn’t motivated and by the time I started using the product my new allergy med’s were doing the trick. So all summer long “NeilMed” stayed on a shelf in the bathroom between the cotton balls and tampons.

But two weeks ago as I was stuffing tissue up my nose and as my husband was making fun of me for stuffing tissue up my nose, he asked, “what happened to that nose washing thing you were doing, while back?”

I had completely forgotten about it. So after suffering the whole rest of the night, the next morning, I pulled out the kit, dusted it off, and tried it out. I felt better. Mucus was removed and my nasal passages were moisturized. If that was all it did, that was a great improvement.

When I got home from work, I did it again. I felt even better. And I’m one of those people, even if the box says only do it twice a day, I felt so good, I did it once more before I went to bed.

That morning I could breathe. The whole rest of the day I wasn’t constantly blowing my nose. By the end of the week I was so much better that my red nose was starting to look like a normal human-non-reindeer kind of nose. Small children stopped asking me how Santa was doing. People at work quit politely asking, “Are you sick?” only to follow it up with, “I thought so. You look sick,” after I confirmed that I was, indeed, sick.

The "NeilMed" healed me and that was a miracle.  I've been using the kit almost twice a day since (some days just once because I may or may not get up in time.)

If you too, are a seasonal allergy sufferer or someone that gets easily sick-- I highly recommend going down to your local drugstore/Target and picking up a kit.

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