Saturday, September 5, 2009

Better Than Bridesmaids...

So one of my best friends is getting married in a few weeks. She is a real progressive, non-conventional sort and its looking like her approach to wedding planning is following suit. My dear friend has probably been in a million weddings. I know that when I was planning my wedding I sent out a little "fun facts" worksheet to my bridesmaids. When she returned her sheet, it listed that she had lost count of how many weddings she's been in. I think it says a lot for her-- she's a good friend. Plus, she comes from a very rural area-- possibly more rural than where I'm from-- and people marry young.

Anyway, because she's been in so many weddings it would be impossible for her to have all those girls in her ceremony (we don't want a 27 dresses reference after all) and I guess, since she's been in so many weddings, she's came to the conclusion-- less is more.

She will only have a maid of honor as her attendant. The rest of us have been asked to wear any shade of purple we would like and whatever else accessories we want. She still wants us to be in pictures and I think we may have a special seating area-- but this way she isn't having to spend as much on flowers or worry over processional lines, etc. I don't blame her in the least.

I'm happy because this means that I get to wear any dress I want and look anyway I want. In the few weddings I've been in its always sort of bothered me when I look around the reception hall and 5+ other are all wearing my dress. It sort of sucks. But, as a good friend, we grin and bare it, because our friend is getting married, and how often does that happen? No more than twice, right? But seriously, I'm always honored to be someone's attendant.
The dress I've picked is, of course, is from J. Crew. I'm in love with their Cotton Cady dresses and just about every year I purchase one. It just so happened that this season J. Crew is rocking the prettiest shade of purple I've ever seen-- Spiced Wine-- which will be perfect for this wedding.

I assure you, it looks much much better on.

I've also purchased a peacock feather hair accessory-clip thingy from When it comes in, and I can't wait for it to come in, I'll be sure to post a picture.

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