Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Old is New Again...

In an effort to reduce wasteful spending, I've been shoping in my closet, as of late. Most of the time, around this time of year, I'm all about taking myself to my favorite stores (online or actual stores) and treating myself to some new "school" clothes. And since I work in a school... its more than appropriate.

This year, however, I've been less than thrilled with the idea of purchasing a lot of pieces that within a few weeks of wearing I'll be sick of and complaining to the Hubster, "I have nothing to wear!" (Which he hates, by the way).

"How can you have nothing to wear" he'll say as he points out that I have 3 full closets stuffed with perfectly good clothes.

There he goes, being all practical again.

But the sad truth is--he's right. I do have a ton of clothes... a ton of clothes that don't get worn much before I'm out of love and looking for the next best thing. So this year I'm changing my cheating ways and looking to fall back in love with my old wardrobe.

This year I did purchase a few new items for "school" that I plan to incorporate into my daily dress and build upon. I'm going to try to create "new" outfits from what I have and add in inexpensive items when needed. I can't say I'm not going to buy anything new from now on-- I already have. But the things I plan to buy, hopefully, will be investment type pieces that will last for many years to come.

I'm finding outfit building challenging and it's even sort of fun. Maybe not as thrilling as purchasing a brand new something-or-other at the mall, but it's satisfying in the sense that I'm finding a new way to wear an old thing.

If I get good at this mixing old with new (sort of like my interior decorating style), I'll share some photos. Until then, I'll keep on experimenting.

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