Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blah. Blah. Blogging...

As promised here is a little IVF update, coming your way.  It is a little past due, my update, which I will explain. 

In a nut shell, two weeks ago we met with my doctor who sort of talked us through the procedure, the up's, the down's... the risks.  Then this week we got to meet with the nurse for our education class where she talked us through the medications and more of the procedure... the up's, the down's... the risks.  Sounds negative, but I really felt positive after each of these meetings.  My doctors and nurses are very supportive, funny, and compassionate individuals. 

In another two weeks, give or take, if things go as planned, in two Saturdays time we will be back to injecting medication, just as much higher doses than ever before.  It's a little scary... not so much the injections, just the higher doses.

The part that sticks out the most is that the nurse said I remind her of Sally Field.  I've never been compared to a famous person before...   You remember back when AOL was like the only way to access the Internet and people would send those chain survey emails out where you would fill in personal answers to questions?  I used to love those things... I could spend hours filling them out.  Probably because I was 14 and silly and very self-centered.

Regardless, they'd always ask some sort of questions like:  if your life was to be made into a movie, what movie star would play you?  I never knew how to answer that questions-- I never thought I looked like anyone famous... I think I look like some family members.. but you know what I mean.  Actually, I thought it was strange when someone could answer that question.  I know Newt didn't have that problem the other day with the whole Brad Pitt thing... but I just always thought it strange.  Anyway...  now, according to the nurse, I should have been putting "Sally Field" into the email. 

As for the reason for my long break in blogging... back in December my boss sent out an email (not the fun survey email wanting to know my favorite color, food, and jean brand) asking us to consider working several Saturdays in the new year to learn about a new instructional method.  We'd be compensated for our time, and being a little money starved I signed on...

I signed on thinking, how bad can it be?  Last Saturday was our first in the series of 4 Saturdays... and to my surprise, the training was good.  Very informative.  Very relavent.  And the time flew by.  Before I knew it, I was at home catching some Z's in a nice Saturday afternoon nap. 

And then Sunday flew by.  Fast.  Then it was Monday morning and I was feeling a little bit like I never left or had a break or had some down time.  Guess what?

I got to work this Saturday too!

What's that movie with the guy who talks about how all work and no play makes him go crazy?  It doesn't matter really, the point is... I'm starting to feel like him.  All work and no down time makes me a very dark and twisty individual.

I've not been a mood to write.  And the only reason it is happening now is because my poor mother listened to me vent for about an hour and thirty minutes this afternoon over supper. 

The bright side, I think I can talk the Husband into being Smokey and the Bandit for Halloween and my Very Scary 30th Birthday party this year!  What ya think about that!

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