Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Unofficial Ovarian Update...

I don't go back for monitoring until tomorrow morning, so this "report" is completely unofficial and based solely off of what I'm feeling.  Yesterday I reported feeling a little different, but only when I thought about it.  And I tried really hard not to think about it. 

Today, back at work and busy, I can assure you that I spent very little time focusing on my enlarged ovaries and more about all the tasks I had at hand.  But around lunchtime something changed and I became a little uncomfortable.  Not the painful or bloated kind of uncomfortable, but I can defiantely tell you exactly where my ovaries are living these days kind of uncomfortable... and I don't have to think about it.

Tonight marks the first time in many medicated cycles that the Husband won't be present for my shot.  I think my sister is coming over to inject me... or at least someone is because I sure am not going to inject myself.

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