Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Follicles are your Friends...

Today was my first monitoring appointment.  Currently around 22 little follicles are living in my ovaries.  Only a few were measured and of the few that were measured, the largest one is a 12.  I'm not sure of the increment, I'm assuming millimeters.  This is completely new to me... mega egg production.  Months ago when we started down this path the doctors having been trying to keep my production of follicles down to three.

The nurse complimented me, "You have wonderful ovaries."  That compliment, strange as it is, makes a girl feel real good. 

After my monitoring appointment and all the blood work I made my way down to acupuncture.  I really love acupuncture.  It is probably one of the most relaxing things I've ever done-- and this coming from a person that use to have monthly appointments at the spa.

Acupuncture is weird, but truly wonderful all at the same time and is defiantely one of the biggest bright spots in all this infertility junk.

Tonight we are upping our dose of medication, even though my estrogen levels are high-- like over 500.  I go back in two days to see what's what.

At this point I'm not really noticing too many changes internally, or externally.  If I sit and think about it, I feel little more prickly and heavy, if that makes sense, where my ovaries live.  But that is only if I sit still and think about it.  I'm trying not to sit and think about it.

I'm also not trying to stress over work... I'm missing a lot of work, which I hate.  I've got the sick leave time, I just hate to use up my time.  I'm a time hoarder from way back.

So, as my acupuncturist says, "treat your long deep breaths as a massage for the inside of your body."  I'm going to breath through my stress... hopefully improve my circulation and get fluids moving to where they need to be... and take a little rest, me and my 22 follicles friends.

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