Monday, January 16, 2012

I Was Right, So Why Am I Not Happy About IT?...

In two weeks we go for our IVF consultation with my doctor. My gut was right.  Being right all the time is such a burden...  Soon there will be no turning back and part of me is excited and another part of me is scared to death.  After the consultation with my doctor, the following week we will take part in an individualized Nurse Education meeting where we will get a step-by-step, day-by-day guide to "what to expect while you are trying to expect."

To be honest... I have no idea what to expect.  Life is never what you think it is going to be.  Lately I keep thinking back to a conversation I had with one of my co-workers a little over 4 years ago... maybe 5 years ago.

It was winter and I was in the middle of planning my wedding.  She was just finishing her first and final IVF round after 7 years of treatment.  I prayed like never before that this procedure would work.  And it did.  Twins!  And I remember being so excited for her.  I remember asking her questions all about the procedures and how she felt and I remember in the back of my mind thinking, "gosh, she is so lucky to have gone through IVF and gotten twins!" 

At the time I could never have imagined wanting to actually carry children, more-less doing it more than once.  I think it is so odd that I find myself in this position now.  Life is never what you think it is going to be.

In the meantime I'm distracting myself with a new toy.  I used some of my Christmas money from my grandmother to purchase a Shark Steam Mop this weekend.  It is amazing and I recommend everyone go get one, especially if you have lots of hard surfaces like us!  You apparently can use it on carpet and that will probably be the next thing I try out as we already have a high traffic spot in our room leading into our master bath.  You'd think that we live in our bathroom!

Stay tuned for more IVF updates... some before's and after's concerning two chairs for my living room and who knows what else!

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