Thursday, February 9, 2012

Just When You Think That Leaving Work will be the Highlight of Your Day, in Walks a Girl Scout...

I had a double baby shower after work today.  Two of my co-workers are pregnant and soon will be giving birth.  I'm excited for them, but mostly I'm glad that I'm not having to be pregnant with them, together.  One has been big pregnant since the school year started. People are always telling her she must be having twins and that she looks like she is going to pop at any moment.  The other one has just started showing and finally looks pregnant.  If I had been her (the little one), I'd gone crazy already thinking something was way wrong with me... or if I were in the other girls' shoes (big prego), I'd gone crazy thinking that I'm way too big! 

Regardless, after spending about twenty minutes small talking with some co-workers, I decided it was time for me to leave.  I walked back to my office to gather my belongings and go home.  It had been a really long day and even though we are trying for a baby, baby stuff--especially other people's baby stuff--doesn't interest me much. 

Happily, a Girl Scout happened to be standing outside my office door talking to the receptionist. 

I don't know about you, but I love Girl Scout cookies... so I asked her, "Are you selling cookies?"  Of course she was and the best part was that I got to buy and get them today!  No waiting.  I ordered 4 boxes of Peanut Butter Patties, two boxes of Thin Mints, and one box of Peanut Butter Sandwiches for the Husband.  I think at $3.50 a pop, it was money well spent.  And I would like to mention, this was the most polite and well behaved Girl Scout that I've encountered in a very long time.

I really do love Girl Scout cookies.  I don't know if it is because you can only get them one time a year or if it is because they are made with real Girl Scouts.  But eithery way they are a delight... plain and simple.

I realize that tomorrow's acupuncturist may not agree with me about their nutritional value... they in fact may add inches to my waist line and slow down my digestion, but c'mon.  Girl Scout Cookies... really?  Totally worth it!

I hope that you've found the brightside to your Thursday too!

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