Monday, August 24, 2009

Bless My Heart Monday...

It's just been one of those days. This morning I woke up, tired and later than I would have liked-- not that I was running behind or anything-- I had just decided that I needed to get up at 6:30am (at the latest 6:45) and at 5 till 7 I was just peeling myself off the bedsheets and heading for the shower.

I forgot to condition my hair, which normally isn't a big deal, but I purposely didn't condition my hair on Sunday, so today I walked around with blunt ends. To top matters off in the hair department-- I must of not used enough hair spray because my bangs that I normally sweep to one side kept falling in my eyes. Unfortunately I didn't discover this lack-of-hairspray problem until I was pulling into work. Oh and did I mention that we live in a greenhouse down here? No, not lately, well it was like a Satan's-little-greenhouse-humid all day long--even inside the school house-- which didn't help the hair situation either.

I had to help with a presentation first thing this morning. I had a very small part in the whole production. I was asked to explain the Problem-Solving Process-- a common-sensical-type-chart. Of the 120 or so teachers that were held captive in the "gym-a-cafe-torium" about 3 of them listened to me. Teachers are the worst audience.

By 2:00 I was searching my pocket book (which is more like a piece of luggage) for a bobby pin to pin up my falling bangs. What I discovered was a busted pack of Bojangles's Dijon Honey Mustard Sauce-- yeah, it was gross-- and yeah, I was saving that stuff (which is sad and so Depression Era of me). After cleaning up that mess and throwing away my collection of receipts to Target and Food Lion along with a fairly nice travel manicure set, I still had no bobby pin. But who needs a bobby pin when you work in a school with tons of paper clips!

Yup, I fastened one large silver paper clip on top of my head to hold back the unruly bangs. No body was going to see me, because I was just working in my office. (Although when I decided to go to the bathroom, our receptionist's daughter gave me a very strange look-- oh well).

Oh well indeed... about that time I was called in to help with some school records where I gathered more strange looks from a couple of families trying to enroll their students for the new school year... (I could almost hear them saying, "they really need to start paying teachers more")

But soon it was time to come home. I found my way to the couch, turned on the Young and the Restless and opened my new Vogue-- the September Issue which is ultra thick and ultra fabulous. Unfortunately I just woke up, under the Vogue-- barely half-way through. Oh well, for another afternoon I suppose.

It's time to start cooking a frozen pizza for supper. Not what I'd call 5 star dining, and even though I love to cook, considering my day, I'd be better off just sicking to reheating than actually cooking.

Let's hope tomorrow is less of a Bless Your Heart kind of day.

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