Saturday, August 22, 2009

Anybody Got Some Extra Gopher Wood...

At this very moment I'm supposed to be at a "Living History" program at the local Civil War Battleground Historic Site. But it has decided to rain-- and rain very hard with thunder and such. My UDC chapter is helping out at the site today-- answering questions, selling a few items, and passing out itineraries to the confused tourists wanting to know what time the cannon is being fired. Only in the South can you see fully grown men, dressed in wool Confederate Army uniforms in the dead of summer firing off cannons.

I'm not particularly upset that I'm not out there-- it is nearly 100 degrees and as humid as a greenhouse. As soon as I set foot outside my makeup starts to run and I start looking like I'm melting. Seriously, it's like I'm made out of wax or something.

But just as I was about to walk out the door and head for the Site, it started to fall a flood and so I've decided to just sit my butt at home and wait for this to pass.

This summer it has rained so much I'm starting to wonder if I need to build an Ark. Yet according to the drought meter the State of North Carolina is using, my county is experiencing abnormally dry conditions. I'm not so sure something isn't wrong with the meter. If this is dry-- then what does normal look like?

In our backyard we have a sweet little creek-- almost a branch-- that flows through to a pond on the edge of the property. Most of the time our sweet little creek is less than two feet across and no deeper than a foot or so. At this very moment our creek is about 8 foot across and is coming dangerously close to Buddy's (our bulldog) home.

The good news is the storm seems to be slacking up and the water level will fall. The bad news is I think I have to go to the Battleground now to see some sweaty men in wool uniforms.

The South may rise again, but chances are the stink will come first as a warning.

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