Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Stress Free By Design...

When people find out I work with children, most people sort of smile and some even comment on how rewarding my job must be. The truth is, my job is rewarding, but being a school counselor is pretty stressful and stress is not my favorite thing to deal with.

To keep my stress level low I engage in a couple of things. Every six weeks I get a very relaxing and much needed facial. When I get stressed my face tends to breakout and unfortunately I was born with naturally large pores (I think-- my facialist says they aren't that bad) that tend to get clogged so not only does the facial help to clear my skin, it also helps minimize my larger-than-I-would-like pores. Besides facials, I shop for shoes, handbags, wallets, clothing, accessories, as well as home products on a pretty regular basis. I find the art of buying almost as cathartic as writing this blog. But the most effective defense against stress is creating.

Recently I started doing a little interior decorating and consulting for hire. I'm told I have an eye for it. I've always loved to paint, color, draw and for a while now one of my favorite things to do is put together rooms.

It's rather thrilling and I hope it turns into more jobs. Currently I am just helping a client with color choices and accessories. I like to build on what a person already has in place and capitalize on their established style-- not my own personal taste. And let's face it, in this economy people do not have the money to be throwing around on trendy items and furniture or things they don't really love. My goal is for the client to walk away happy with their taste and style represented in their spaces.

So I'm probably going to be keeping my day job (I come cheap right now)... but at least I have an outlet that will keep me balanced and happy. And balanced and happy is very important... after all I work with the emotional health of children!

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