Friday, July 15, 2011

I Hate Being Right All the Time...

On days like this I hate being right all the time.  A few days ago I predicted that my "sometimes-monthly-friend" would be making an unwanted visit.  She showed up about 5:00pm yesterday. 

Today I went to the RE's office for my baseline ultrasound, and just like from the first failed cycle I'm full of cysts.  And having 5 large cysts on my ovaries means that for the next month or so Husband and I are out of the baby making game.

I'm disappointed.  I'm a complete Type A person and I was really hoping to knock "making baby" off my list before I go back to work.  Now it looks like I'll be back at work while we try for a family.

Now I'm thinking I probably should let my boss in on the game plan.  As long as I'm taking the fertility drugs, I'll have to be monitored which means I'll be missing some work.   I think it would take a lot of the guilt and stress off of me if he was aware of the situation.  He is young with two small children and a wife with her on set of health issues, so he is more than understanding when it comes to these sort of matters.

Honestly, now that Husband and I are in the dream home, we both are little more anxious and a lot more ready to have a baby.  I think most people in our situation would understand. 

In the meantime, I'm going to take this month to enjoy the rest of the summer vacation I've got left.   I'm also going to focus a little more energy into getting my house in order.  There are tons of things that need to happen to get my house up to snuff.

I keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason and when the time is right, a baby will happen.  In the meantime I've got business ventures, actual work, and my house to keep my thoughts busy.

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