Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fertility Good News...

After weeks of researching IVF and PCOS and all sorts of other three and four letter acroymns for several weeks, I had resigned myself to the fact that once the new cycle started, I would no longer be what I considered a simple case of infertility.

Two weeks to the date after my last appointment, the appointment where the doctor cancelled my cycle and gave me a quick run down on what IVF was and why it was my best option, I had another appointment with my main RE.

Nervous, yet mentally prepared for what lay ahead, the Husband and I walked into my doctor's office and took our seats in the chairs in front of his desk.

He laid out the options and to my surprise he wasn't pushing IVF.  In fact he felt that after only completing one cycle he didn't think that we were ready for IVF.  I was relieved.  The money alone was causing me great stress and then couple that with all the procedures... I was a wreck.  I couldn't really believe what I was hearing, but I was glad.

He told me that he wanted to try things really slow.  Once the new cycle started then we would do 7 days of injections and then go back in for monitoring and bloodwork and that would let us know what to do next.

And so far so good.  After 7 days of injections I went back into the doctors' office for monitoring on Monday.  At that time I had no huge follicles and my estrogen levels were low.  My dosage was pushed up slightly and when I went back in on Wednesday my follicles were getting close to being mature.  My estrogen levels were increasing steadily but were in normal range.  I was kept at the same level of medicine and on Friday I went in for another monitoring visit.

On Friday I had one mature follicle and two others that looked like in the next day or two they also would be ready.  So last night we got to do the trigger shot of HCG.  I'm a little worried about how I'll react to the HCG.  Last time it made me sick... like super duper sick.  Looking back on it I think I was a little overstimulated.  I gained over 5 pounds of fluid and looked like I was several months pregnant.  It was awful, especially knowing that in the end it didn't result in the news we wanted.

I'm hoping because we've all been so cautious with this cycle, I won't have the same reaction as I did last time. 

Send the good thoughts and prayers our way.  Now we just have to wait and see what happens. I'm not the most patient person in the world, but I've always been told, good things come to those who wait.

Wish us luck!

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