Friday, July 1, 2011

I've Been Missing in Action, But I've Got a Good Excuse...

Like the title says, I've been missing in action.  And this time I've got a great excuse.  Somewhere in the second week of June our house passed inspection, the power was turned on and we were free to move our belongings.  Thus began the 3 week siege. 

Let me just say that I hate moving. 

At this point I think that most everyone associated with our move hates moving as well.  This hatred extends also to service people, including a poor Indian woman from Dish Network.  Four years of marriage resulted in days and days of our belongings being carted from one house to the next.  Beyond the feelings of being violated, my life is in great disarray.

Last week or day 4 of the move I had to leave the dream house for a short period of time because I was about to cry because I couldn't find a post-it pad to write my grocery list on.  In fact I couldn't find any type of paper to write on.  Maybe it was the fertility drugs coursing through my body or the fact that the Hubster's family, God love them, had seen my entire messy life-- underwear and all-- laid out in boxes and drawers before them had me on the edge of reality. 

Think about it, would you want your in-laws moving drawers of your undies?

I never intend on moving again.  It has been one of the least rewarding experiences in my life to date. 

Slowly things are starting to find a place.  Slowly the little kinks of living in a brand new home are being worked out.  Slowly I'm adjusting to the new... and I think the Hubster and Buddy are too.

I'll hopefully be posting pictures of the new house as well as filling you in on some of the details that went into making the dream house the dream house.

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