Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I woke up this morning and I was enveloped in dread.  Sometime in the middle of the night I was awoken to the worst stomach cramps I've ever experienced.  I'm guessing that means that my sometimes-monthly visitor is on her way.  Here's to waiting...

So I woke up this morning less than thrilled at the prospect of no baby and more shots, medicine, and tests.  I was really hoping that this month would be the month.  I joke, often, with my friends that I should have gotten pregnant when I was 16.  It is hilarious in a sick little way that I spent my mid-to-late teens and twenties worried to death that I would fall pregnant only to find out at the age of 27 that bringing a life into the world is going to more difficult that I had ever imagined.  And to think about all those weeks when I was a total mess because of a late period!

Jokes on me.

I had errands to run today.  I had to carrying stuff to the bank and pay a water bill... so I found myself in the car and I hate driving in the car with nothing to do but listen NPR so I called my friend Olivia.  And now we are going into business!

She's a fabulous photographer and the best friend a girl could want.  I'm a creative person with great vision and no outlet who complains about my lack of outlet on a semi-regular basis.  So during our conversation we stumbled onto the crazy idea of starting a one-stop-shop event planning business.

I'm so excited at the prospect of working with a great friend, making other people happy, and at the same time making a little extra money.

This is going to be good.

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