Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Being a Grown-up...

At this very moment I'm really hating being a grown-up.  I walk around my school and I am almost envious of those clueless little children roaming the halls.  They have no idea that when you grow up everything changes... and not always for the best. 

First of all, I'm really hating dealing with other adults... namely, the ones at US Cellular.  I want to make my cell phone bill cheaper and they are basically telling me there is no way to make it cheaper.  I find that really hard to believe.  But as an adult I'm surrounded by other adults and in turn I have to act civilized.  I can't run and hide behind my parents legs when they start to talk to me... I can't pretend to be so involved in my Nintendo GameBoy that I didn't hear what was going on around me.  I can't pout until I get my way... and it sucks.

Second of all, being adult means that there is never enough of anything... mostly time and money.  I don't know where it all goes???  I remember being like 7 years old with a stash of money from birthdays and grandparents and it lasting forever.  Seriously, I'd have a birthday in October and I'd still have cash from that same birthday well into the next birthday.  As an adult I make lots of money (comparatively to then) and each month, before I know it is basically all gone... and it sucks. 

Same way with time.  Used to, it took forever for the end of a school year, Christmas and my birthday.  Now, I just blink and all those things happen.  Back when I was 7, 365 days was pure torture.  Now, 365 days-- 365 days barely feels like six months.  The days go by faster too.  What's up with that?

Once you are grown up you have deal with things you never would have dreamed about as a kid... bills, paint colors, appliances, procreating... cleaning up-- the whole house, not just your room.  Just today I went by the new house to check up on the metallic paint that is going in the dinning room.  Right now it is a disaster.  The painter doesn't speak English well, he couldn't understand what I was saying.  I did manage to hear him say something about a second coat... and I'm hoping (praying about paint seems like a waste of God's time) that it comes out okay.  I was so distracted that I barely noticed the new refrigerator that seems to be breaking the cabinet that surrounds it. 

See what fun being an adult is???  Nothing but worries upon worries. 

I'm thinking that if they ever come up with a cure for being a grown up I'll be the first in line... unless it involved losing your mind. 

Tomorrow will be better.  These short weeks really mess with me :(

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