Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back On Track...

Things are getting back on track.  The bank is working with the lawyers' office to get a new closing date set.  I'm waiting to hear back from them, hopefully tomorrow.  And so it is full steam ahead with the building of the dream house.

My period never came and for most women my age that would mean one thing, pregnancy. In my case it means I have to see a Reproductive Endocrinologist or RE if I want to get pregnant any time soon.  Apparently, in my doctor's opinion, there is no need to belabour the issue.  I'm not so sure I'm ready for the RE.

I'm not that stressed out about children--at this time.  Although, just as soon as I figured out that things are working right for my lady parts, I immediately wanted what I can't have.  So I may have that mother instinct after all.... that, or I never matured past the emotional age of a spoiled 14 year old. 

But in light of all the things going on in my life-- the dysfunctional family drama, my sister's wedding, the dream house, and the fact that I'm a defective typewriter coupled with the stress of work I've decided to turn over a new less-stressful leaf.

And so far so good.  I'm working very hard to stop being a procrastinator, and even though it is going to take some practice-- I'm slowly doing a little better.  And I'm going to stop trying to over schedule myself or take on projects when I've not finished the one I started to begin with.  The main thing... I'm making an attitude shift.  I'm a very blessed person.  I have a life filled with great things and most importantly, great people.  I need to stop worrying so much about work and taking on other people's problems (a hazard of the job when you're a counselor) and start enjoying the fun and nice things going on around me.

It's going to be hard, but I'm going to try very hard.

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