Friday, February 18, 2011

What's Up with Windows?...

In the hopes of looking on the bright side and with the mindset that "everything happens for a reason" I've decided to look at this delay in building as the perfect opportunity to obsess a little about the windows that will be in the house, specifically the front, side wing of the house.

This would be so much easier to explain if I could just show you the rendering of the house we intend to build... but due to copyright laws that is not going to happen.  The deal is that a wing of the house, on the front side, the plan calls for a bank of picture windows that wraps around to the adjacent wall to create a sort of sun-filled breakfast area.  However the architect calls for this to be finished in hearty plank instead of brick and that is something we do not want.  On the architect's website there is a house very similar to ours that was finished in brick instead of hearty plank and we hate how it looks.

And I suppose we could just go ahead and do the hearty plank... but that is really not what we want to do.  So now here we are trying to figure out what to do instead.  To the Internet I went.

What do you think...?

This (above) is very similar to what we've got in mind.  I just can't figure out if it will look okay on the front of a house-- its a lot of windows.

I like this because of the transoms.  But this also might look okay centered in the wing and on the side, centered.  Maybe?

Doesn't this look like the house from Home Alone?  It has a lot of windows and it doesn't look bad... Right?

I like the shape of these windows and the brick work around them. I could imagine another one on the wall to the side... maybe? 

I love, love, love how much light is in this space.  But would it look okay on the front of a house?

We've talked about just doing two windows across (maybe double long windows) and picture window on the adjacent wall... and I'm pretty sure it would look good-- but it doesn't seem as unique either.  Choices!!! I hate CHOICES!!!

I really just love this-- But again, this is obviously the back of some one's house.

I'm so confused as what to do and I'm afraid of making a mistake.  I'm going to show these to the Hubster and maybe he can help me make up my mind.

I'll keep you posted.  Enjoy the weekend!

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