Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just When You Think Things Are Okay...

So this weekend I got some disturbing news that sent shockwaves through my little family.  It had to do with some of my husband's crowd and thankfully it, meaning the situation, appears to be handled.  And without going into a lot of detail, the last few days were stressful because of the disturbing news.  And now that that seems to be looking up.

Or so I thought...

And then the little reproductive issue (as in the lack of a monthly period) I have been dealing the last few months seems to have returned unexplicably... and that worries the imortal hell out of me because I'm constantly living if fear that something is majorily wrong with me.

So my stress levels are up and all over the place.  The one bright spot in my week however, besides having Monday off for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, was that on Thursday the Hubster and I were finally going to set a closing on our constrution loan with the lawyers and we'd be one more step closer to building the dream home... and we were so excited.

Back in November we went to the bank to start the loan process and things looked good but the process was slow.  Because of all the economic darkness the Hubster and I were put through the ringer when it came to getting approval and luckily last week we heard that we were approved.  All that was left was setting the closing.

I knew things were too easy... something told me that something would go wrong.  And at exactly 5:00pm this afternoon this went wrong. 

Back in November we were told how much we'd have to pay up front.  The bank was going to cover 80% and we'd pick up the remaining 20% plus closing costs.  Well, stupid me-- I thought we'd put the 20% down and pay the closing cost when we closed out the loan.  I should have asked more questions, and maybe the Hubster should have asked more questions, but we didn't know we were wrong in our thinking because we've never done this before.

So we get a call just as all the banks are closing that we'll have to put the entire amount down up front and we just were not prepared for that sort of news.  Needless to say I'm disappointed.  I've cried... I've pouted... I've even contemplated robbing the local bank... but thinking better of it, I called my banker and my laywer and I've pushed back the closing date.

The irony is all of this is the feeling word of the month is "Frustration" and now I have a great example to teach to my students!  AHHHHHGGGG!

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