Monday, February 14, 2011

News on the House Front...

For all those months with no news to report on the house front, suddenly we are in business.  Let me bring you up to speed...

On Wednesday of last week we closed on the house at the lawyers offices.  We forked over 3 years worth of savings and signed/initialed about a trillion legal documents and in exchange we were given a very measly looking check book and a folder full of those signed/initialed documents (copies) and told to get started.

We called our General Contractor, Clay and he immediately wanted to come over to the house to discuss getting started. An hour later he was sitting in our present kitchen talking about permits and brick.  We are slated to start this week, if everything goes as planned.

I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this whole house business.  Like I said earlier, we spent months and months encountering one road block after another.  My goal back in the summer was to have broken ground in the Fall... and a year before that I was hoping to start in the Summer before that Fall.  Confusing?  Yes.  Was I patient-- just barely.  Clay assures us we could be in the house by May.


May 2011.

After all this "hurry up and wait" time I'm not sure I'm able to understand the concept of just "hurry up."

The task at hand-- brick.  Apparently there are various shades and we have to pick one by the end of the week.  The end of the week-- not the end of the month.  By Friday!

Yes, months and months of hurry up and wait... and "be patient Emily!"  Now that I've learnt to be patient they want me to move at warp speed.

Have a good Valentine's Y'all

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