Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lemon Squares-- a step-by-step how-to...

To commemorate Confederate Memorial Day on Sunday, I put myself in charge of making a baked good for my United Daughter's of the Confederacy Chapter.  It was sort of my idea to scale down the food production in the first place.  I've been a member of our group for about five years now and each year it seemed like we did a little more or added a little something or other and I had had enough.

So at our last hostile meeting, I suggested that we have three food items and two beverage options.  Most everyone was okay with that.  And really-- it is not like we are drawing a crowd here, especially after our 145th anniversary program this past March-- we're all burnt out. Plus, we have our memorial day so early in the season, that it barely is a blip on the radar of our own club members, not to mention our own state historic site workers.

So I volunteered to make a baked good, seeing how I was responsible for the Earth shattering change.  I decided to make Lemon Squares, a recipe I have made several times successfully from my church's cookbook.

Lemon Squares: Submitted by Becky M. in the Ebenzer United Methodist Church Cookbook

1 box of lemon cake mix
1 stick of butter   
3 eggs
1 package of cream cheese
8 oz of powdered sugar

In large bowl mix 1 egg, a melted stick of butter and the cake mix until it looks like this....

Sort of like cookie dough.  I use a fork to mix in everything.  If you're making this with small children, they'd probably like to use their hands.


Press the mixture in the bottom of a well greased rectangle shaped pan.

But you may want to remove your rings first.

Then you need to...

Mix the powdered sugar, two eggs, and cream cheese in another large bowl.

Until it looks like this and then...

Spread it out over the cake mix mixture you already pressed into the pan.

Set your oven to 350 degrees and keep it in for about 30 to 40 minutes.  I kept this batch in for about 40 minutes... but my oven runs a tad cool.

And presto-chango...

This is what you should end up with, of course after cutting them into squares.

I highly recommend giving them a try.  They are really easy and a big crowd pleaser.  Preparation is quick-- I don't even have to get out my big Kitchen Aid stand mixer for this like I normally would for my more complex cheesecake recipe.

Also, if you and your crowd is not so wild about lemon-- any cake mix should work, so your options are really limitless.  To me, they are a little less predictable than the standard brownie and more grown-up than cookies-- but just as easy.   But be warned:  these are not filling in the least-- I think it is the evil lemon flavoring in the mix--so don't be surprised if you eat like 5 in one sitting and still are coming back for more.  Good thing they make good gifts!

Yum... Lemon Squares!

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