Monday, April 5, 2010

He Said He's Caught a Troll?...

 I have a rather tasteless story to pass along.  My cousin, the one that could be a super model-- if she was just a little bit taller-- works as a nurse in a large hospital in Wake County.  She was telling me last night that one of her co-workers has a sister who has a son that is an adult but is mentally challenged and lives with his mom. 
She preceeded to tell me that a few weeks ago, the son called his mother at work and told her that he had found a troll.  The mom felt something was wrong and started to worry.  She could tell something was wrong but her son seemed excited and reassured her that nothing was wrong-- he had found a troll!  She told her son to call his grandmother, hoping that the grandmother would go check on the boy, because she couldn't leave work.

A couple of hours later, the son called his mom back again, excited.  "I've captured the troll.... can I keep it?" he asked.  Alarmed at this point and completely confused the mom decided to leave work on her lunch hour and check on her son.

She reached the house finding it completely trashed.  The blinds were hanging off the windows... furniture was overturned.  The mom was certain something horrible had taken place in her home.  She called for her son, who came happily down from his room to greet his mother and preceeded to tell her about the troll he had captured in his room. 

The mom raced upstairs to her son's bedroom.  "Where is the troll?" she asked her son.  He pointed to his locked closet door.

"It is in my closet." 

The family lived in an older home so there was a lock on the door.  Upon finding the key, she opened the closet to indeed find something that didn't belong...although it was not a troll, but a Little Person.

The Little Person worked for the United States Census Bureau and was going door-to-door to gather Census information.  The son had watched her all morning going from house to house and when she knocked on his door, he immediately sprung into action taking her has his captive.

My question is-- what if this mom had decided to stay at work?  That poor lady would have been locked in that closet for the whole day!

Moral of this story-- Fill out your census information!

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