Sunday, May 2, 2010

Being Sick Sucks...

Yes... I said sucks.  My mother hates it when my sister or I--for that matter, anyone--utters the word sucks.  I'm sure she'd have reservations about me saying it on Sunday as well.  But the truth is-- being sick sucks.

On Thursday night, while sitting in PTA I noticed the mystery rash reappearing and this time under my eye and down my cheek bone and on my chest.  I had been to the dermo on Monday for my next-to-the-last Accutane appointment and during my visit I mentioned that I thought it, the rash, might be coming back around my mouth area and the PA rolled out this medical term and said, if that was what it was, then I needed to come back in... for now she gave me a steriod cream to try.

So Friday morning I wake up with a giant red rash down my cheek bone and a chest full of tiny red bumps that itched ever-so slightly.  I also had a sore throat and a stopped up nose.  So I decided to call in sick.  I knew it would take a while to get an appointment with the dermo and a goods days rest would be good for the cold I was culturing in my body.

I got an appointment for 2:00pm.  I took a nap... watched TV... ate lunch in the privacy of my living room.  I got a shower and went to the appointment that took all of 5 minutes for her to prescribe an antibodic that I would take for the course of a month.

So, I leave the office-- and decide to run by work to take care of a little bit of paperwork.  I spend maybe an hour at work and then head out to the drug store.

The pharmacist, a distance relative that can be slighly inappropriate (he loves to yell out that the medicine your doctor gave you "may cause a yeast infection!"), informs me that he can't fill my prescription because I take Accutane.  And I'm like, what the hell?

He says, "If you take this prescription while you are on Accutane, it will cause your brain to swell."

And of course I don't want my brain to swell.  But doesn't it look like the doctor who prescribed my Accutane and prescribed me the antibodic would know that?  Maybe she wants my brain to swell!

I plan to have a conversation on Monday.  I would have had a conversation on Friday but the dermo's office closes at 4:30 and by the time I figured this all out, it was 4:45pm.  Thank goodness my family doctor called in another, much safer drug to help with my rash.

FYI: I still have the rash; I still have the cold... still waiting for Monday at 8:30 to let the dermo know that I'm less than impressed.

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