Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Break and Reality Checks Equals Guilt...

Today is the last day of Spring Break...  I know... I know-- it's crazy that Elementary School students get a Spring Break!  I seriously doubt any of my students hit Panama City or had to get their stomach pumped or appeared on 'Girls' Gone Wild'-- well, let's hope that they didn't or I'm going to be one busy counselor come tomorrow... and I spent the morning doing one of my favorite pastimes-- shopping.

I was supposed to be super-productive this week.  Last Friday (Good Friday) I started off my vacation by working-out on the Wii Fit and cleaning up the house.  Saturday I did a little more cleaning and ran some errands and worked-out.  Sunday morning-- the Hubster and I both got up for Sun Rise Service and then Monday came and I've fell off the wagon.

Over Spring Break I was going to type my minutes from the last 6 UDC meetings.  I was going to get the hood of my Civic painted (but the Pine Tree Pollen had other plans).  I was going to get the oil changed in my Civic too.  I was going mop the floors, clean the bathroom real good, get my hair cut, and I was going to wake up early each and every day.

In reality I've done none of those things.  I've slept in... spent obscene amounts of money on clothing... and I've laid around in my PJ's almost the entire day unless I had to put on "real" clothing.

On the positive side-- I have worked-out each and every day.  My Wii Fit is really proud of me.

I'm hoping that my shopping bug is behind me.  I got a new pair of heeled sandals, a gauzy sweater that I can wear over tanks- swimsuits, dresses, a cool tank that has knots in the straps... I got a dress for work... and I just ordered a pair of jeans, a black pencil skirt (that I desparatly needed) and a pair of blue shorts that I want to see if they will fit (they may go back).  I also got the Hubster a little something as well-- a monogramed polo (he loves those).

This will probably be the last big spending trip I take for a while.  My days as a "care-free twenty-something" are slowly drawing to a close.  The Hubster and I are venturing into adulthood because of the "dream house."

Don't get me wrong-- I'm excited about the house... I'm just not excited about paying for it.  But that is life, right?  With all good things, comes sacrifice.

So now I'm in the throws of buyer's remorse.

Guilt... my new favorite emotion!

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