Wednesday, April 7, 2010

CBS Sunday Morning Made Me Do It...

The Hubster and I used to be "good" people. Meaning, we'd wake up on Sunday mornings, cook a little breakfast, and then get ready for church.

Throughout our dating years we never went to each other's church much. My church is small-- 50 members on the church roster with around 30 in attendance every Sunday-- did I mention that we are all pretty much related? And being a small church I became very involved in the comings and goings of my church. I was a Sunday school teacher for the two small children in our church for a time and when we decided to redecorate, I volunteered for a job on the committee.

The Hubster grew up in a larger church-- they might have 50 people on the church roster, but they have at least 70 to 80 people every Sunday filing up the church. His denomination is similar to mine, although they say a different version of the Lord's Prayer and the Apostle's Creed-- however his church is much more laid back. Meaning-- they wear blue jeans and smoke in the church yard after the service. His church is friendly and kind... and that probably explains the high-parishioner turnout each and every Sunday. They are also not all related either.

That being said, I love my church and I enjoy going to my church-- except that my preach thinks he is Pentecostal and we are strongly Methodist. The most noisy you make on any given Sunday is when your tummy starts to grumble.  Also, the people in my church can be a bit cold-- mainly because they are used to the people they are used to and new comers have a hard time fitting in-- not being related and all.

So as newlyweds we had to make a decision on how we would handle the whole church ordeal. I would prefer to attend my church, he would prefer to attend his church-- however, if I left it up to him to decide, we'd go nowhere-- as he likes to sleep in on Sundays.

Recently we've been attending the church of CBS Sunday Mornings. I love that show. Even before marriage, I would always find myself late for church because I hated to miss a minute of that fabulous and informative program.

But I believe that CBS Sunday Mornings might be the devil. Because of CBS Sunday Mornings I learned about a website that offers designer duds at rock bottom prices. AND of course I signed up.

So now, I find myself obsessed, speeding home as soon as work is over to see what kind of stuff is available for me to purchase.  Things that I don't need, but want very, very badly.

Today I just received a beautiful Miguelina silk crepe day dress that I can't wait to wear to work-- for the killer price of $139 bucks!

Of course the news piece on CBS Sunday Mornings was not about the bargain-- it was about the psychology of buying... how people get seduced into purchasing items because of a markdown price.

They gave a perfect example: There is this restaurant in NYC that has a hamburger on the menu that costs like 10 times more than what a restaurant style burger would normally cost. The restaurateur said they did this because when someone is scanning the menu and they see this outrageous price, then they feel like they are getting a bargain when they purchase the filet for $60 bucks.

Sneaky. Huh?

And even though I know this-- I've been sucked in as well. The other day I had a conversation with my friend Olivia over the cell phone.

Olivia: What are you doing?

Me: I just got on this website to see what is for sale today.

Olivia: Anything good?

Me: Well.... there is this Black Halo top on sale for 60 dollars. It was originally $345. That is a great deal! Oh and they have my size!

Olivia: I would never pay $60 for a shirt... I don't care who made it or what it used to cost.

Me: I know.. but I would!  But it's Black Halo-- and I love Black Halo and that is a DEAL!

Olivia: I don't care-- you shouldn't buy it because it has a name.  That is silly.

Me: But...

Olivia: Emily-- come on! 60 dollars for a shirt you probably will only be able to wear once! NO.

This went on and on... and I finally felt guilty enough that I decided not to get it. And I didn’t need to get it because she was absolutely right.  It wasn't even that pretty either!  Olivia knows I'm trying to be good and save money-- after all we are still trying to build the dream house (more on that to come later)...

So the first step to recovery is acceptance--
Hi, my name is Emily and I have shopping problem.... 

I'll start treatment after I go shopping tomorrow.

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