Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday Marathon, Boots, and Loot...

If you are reading this, it means that we've survived Christmas.  And I'm pleased to say that this year no one screamed or yelled or even laid a 'cussin' on anyone.  A Christmas Mircale!

The Hubster and I had our marathon holiday, as is our "new" custom.  The first year we were married we ended up going to 2 breakfast's, 1 early lunch, followed by 1 early supper, and wrapped up with 1 late supper.  Since that year I've eliminated breakfast... we still do everything else-- plus visit his parent's house before we go to lunch.

Yesterday we woke up around 7:45ish.  The Hubster had ended up sleeping in his clothes on the couch.  We cut up a cheese danish and made hot chocolate (well, I made hot chocolate) and watched part of TBS' 24 hour marathon of "The Christmas Story."

We eventually decided to open up presents.  The Hubster got some awesome gifts.  I got some pretty nice onces myself.  I'm now the proud owner of some really nice cowboy boots.  I've alwasy wanted a pair-- but I've never been able to pick out any that suited me.  Too many choices.  So, in passing I mentioned to the Hubster that I'd like a pair. 

ME:  Those boots are really pretty.

HUBSTER: What?  I thought you didn't like boots?

ME: I never said I don't like boots-- I just could never find any that fit my foot right and I could never make up my mind.  If someone picked me out a pair, I'd wear them. 

And poof-- I got boots!

The Hubster also got me some Wii games.  Now we aren't gamers-- in the least.  In the 5 months that we've had the Wii, it's been played maybe 4 times.  But I wanted that new Mario Brother's game that is very similar to the one that came with the very first Nintendo system.  I love that game.

Anyway... I'm not going to bore you with more of my Christmas loot.  Just know that Santa Claus did come to my parents house and I got some really thoughtful and useful presents sprinkled with some wants.

Today I'm doing a little online shopping and hanging out with my favorite little Itlaian-- Mario.  Hope your day after Christmas is going well.

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