Friday, January 1, 2010

Black-Eyed Peas & Warm New Year's Wishes...

The Hubster is off to eat Black-eyed Peas at his Great-Aunt's house.  I'm going shopping with my mom and sister.  I'm in desparate need of some storage bins. 

It seems that every year my Christmas collection grows a bit-- so I always buy an extra storage bin directly after Christmas.  This year I did just that-- but for some reason I need more.  Maybe it's because I spent way too much money on ribbons and bows and decorations... 


The Hubster is off to eat his weight in Black-eyed Peas.  Supposedly they bring you good fortune in the New Year.  So good Southerner's go to their Great-Aunt's house or Grandma's or wherever and scarf down a couple good size pots full of those tiny little peas.

We need the good fortune-- namely--$$$$

I myself hate Black-eyed Peas-- they are the worst color of light brown you'll ever see--my opinion.  But YUCK.  However, I do prefer the green variety.  I like them undried.  YUCK--dried peas!

Have a very Happy New Year Y'all... I can tell this year is going to be GREAT!

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