Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Tall Christmas Tree...

I had a genious idea on Friday as the Hubster and I discussed our Christmas Tree plans for this Holiday Season.  Of course we'd put the artifical white tree, that stands about 5 foot all, in the back entrance of the house and the real tree in the front hallway/entrance.  The Hubster suggested we get a tree before the weekend was over-- which I was all for because I would be home to decorate it.  The Hubster suggested we get a tree from the grocery store, since our usual tree lot was no longer in business. 

"NO!"  I screamed.  "The only good thing about our old house is the tall ceilings-- We need a tall tree to show off our ceilings.  NO, we are getting a TALL tree this year!  Besides, a grocery store tree is not near good enough for us!  You remember the first tree we got from the Food Lion?  I dried up and died two weeks after we got it!  You really want to buy a short, stubby, dried up tree?"

"No, but at least it won't cost that much money."  He replied looking less than thrilled at the conversation we were having.  He really hates it when I get all tree snobby.

"We are getting a TALL TREE!"

So that Sunday we loaded up and headed to the nearest tree lot with TALL trees.  We found the perfect tree that was almost 10 foot tall!  The gentleman we bought it from-- Spanky-- even cut the end off and put it in the back of the Hubster's truck.  I was so happy because that meant no cussing and yelling once we got it home to put the stand on.

We got it home.  The Hubster got it in the door.  It was huge-- much bigger than it had looked on the tree lot.  The very tip top of the tree almost touched our ceiling.

"Wow, that's a big tree!"  I exclaimed, a little overwhelmed.

The Hubster didn't say anything except under his breath-- more to himself, "That's what you wanted."

The Hubster put the lights on.  A strand went out.  I left to go pick up supper while he fixed the dead strand.  When I got home the tree was lit and it was my turn to start decorating the 10 foot monster in my front hallway/entrance.

One hour into decorating I began to panic when I realized I would need a 6 foot ladder to be able to properly decorate the tree. 

Two hours into decorating and manipulating a 6 foot ladder around cords and boxes and tree limbs I began to loose it. 

Three hours into decorating and manipulating a 6 foot ladder around cords and boxes and tree limbs, and deciding that this tree was actually the devil, I realized that my genious idea about getting a large tree was a huge mistake.

Four hours into decorating the tree-- manipulating a 6 foot ladder and so on-- I was sticky from tree sap, aggrivated beyond belief at the Hubster who could not tear himself away from Charlie Wilson's War long enough to hold something up so I could figure out if it "goes" there or not.... I was forcefully removed from tree decorating by the Hubster who was tired of hearing me bitch and moan about how bad a job I had done decorating.

Since Sunday night I've made up with the tree and I'm starting to like it a little better.  However, I know I will never have a tree this big ever again-- even if we have 20 foot ceilings one day.

When I'm completely finished with my trees I'll share the pictures.

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