Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas Y'all...

So this is Christmas...

My hands and fingers are offically sore from all the papercuts from wrapping presents.  This year I ordered my wrapping paper on-line from Papermart.  I try not to buy wrapping paper that is too Christmas-y because I'd like to use it long after the Christmas season.  So I ordered a pink houndstooth print and a pink, plum, white, and gold stripe print.  Each roll is two foot wide and 100 feet in length.  I hand tie every bow with gold wired ribbon and I attach a glittery name tag (Christmas trees for the pink houndstooth and Gold Merry Christmas for the stripe).

Did I mention my hands and fingers hurt?

I just killed the Christmas mouse that was living in our kitchen.  Evidently there is a hole or something under our stove that occassionally lets in a mouse.  And since its been raining like crazy, farmers haven't been able to get in the fields to harvest the cotton or soybeans-- until now-- so little field mice are looking new homes.  The joys of living in the country, surrounded by fields!  On the flip side, I'd much rather a country mouse than a city rat! 

So, hopefully, no creatures will be stirring on Christmas Eve night.

I've just remembered that I've neglected to finish buying our dog, Buddy, his Christmas.  I'm going to have to take care of that, ASAP.  We generally don't buy him too much during the year-- he chews up everything we ever give him-- but at Christmas time, we like to spoil him, just a little bit-- let him chew up whatever he likes!

I can't decide if I should get something for my brother-in-law's girlfriend.  They've not been dating too long and I don't think I'll see her Christmas day or anything... but I really like her.  This is the first girl he's ever dated that I can actually talk to.  So when I run out to pick up the dry cleaning, I might stop and get her a little something.

I finally got around to taking some pictures of my Christmas decorations.  I'm going to post a few.

Welcome to Our Home...

From the Front of the House...

From the Side Porch (excuse the cords)...

My White "Naughty" Tree...

Our Real Tree (The Hubster wrapped the presents without bows-- they are for me)...

Our Christmas Card...

Other's Cards...

Our Stairs...

The Living Room Mantel...

A Glittery Name Tag...

More Christmas Tree...

And more Christmas Tree...

And More White Tree...


My Manger Scene (my sister and I used to fight over who got to play with it)...

Ain't it pretty?...

Some Christmas Kitchen Decorations...

Happy Holidays... Warm Wishes... and Merry Christmas Y'all...


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