Friday, December 2, 2011

Wait for it...

I'm anxiously awaiting my period to start.  Having been prescribed Provera to bring on a period and nothing happening south of the border, I'm a little worried.  I've read online that it can take some time... like anywhere between 7 to 14 days.  And even though I'm well within that 14 day window, I'm ready to get this period going. 

I had a little fantasy that we'd be back in the RE's office doing our last-ditch-effort-before-IVF-cycle right around Thanksgiving and that we'd be looking at our first postive pregnancy test just in time for Christmas.  Talk about a great Christmas present!  But my body, as always, is doing it's own thing.

And it probably is for the best-- I've been super busy at work.  I even had to cancel a much needed acupunture appointment because of all the maddness... at least for this last week I've had no time for early morning RE probes and blood draws.

But speaking of blood drawing... I had a sort of physical yesterday at home.  A few days ago the Husband and I decided it was time for me to get more life insurance, so the insurance company sent this cute little lady out to draw my blood, ask one hundred probing questions, and make me pee in a cup.  Just when I thought my veins would be safe for at least a few more days, there she was with her little butterfly needles and blood viles. 

Yuck.  But I'm anxious to see if everything checks out.  I was shocked to see that my weight has dipped considerably more than I thought it had.  Eating healthy has really paid off.  All the happy weight I gained over the last four years has been shed and for the first time since I can remember I don't complain of feeling so bad all the time... and my size 00 fit again.

Who would have thunk it?

Regardless, I'm sure that in the next couple of days my sometimes-monthly-friend will come back into my life and my regular visits with the RE and his probe will resume.  For now I'm appreciating God's plan for my life and taking things one day at a time.

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