Monday, December 26, 2011

Dinosaur--Are You Listening?...

Christmas has come and gone and we survived...  Sort of.  The Husband, as I type, is laid up in the bed with what I'm going to start referring to as "The Worst Virus Ever" or TWVE which is similar to the virus that struck the 3rd graders during IQ testing-- but worse.  Worse because the Husband, unlike the 3rd graders, lives with me and shares a bed and bathroom with me.  Needless to say my new best friend is Lysol.

So after pigging out all day, Christmas day, on delicious foods and sweet treats at approximately 1:00am Eastern Standard Time, the Husband fell ill with "The Worse Virus Ever" and from that point forward every hour on the hour up until about 10:00am he regularly 'called dinosaurs.'  Unfortunately he was not successful in making contact with them, but he did manage to wake me up... 

I had intended to take a nap today, but I keep thinking of new things that I haven't Lysoled yet.  My hands are all kinds of chapped because every time I go into the hot zone-- our master bedroom-- I have to scrub up.  And it is not like I can just pack him a bag and drop him off with his parents while he rides out TWVE (although the thought did cross my mind) because that is not how it works.

The Husband has a new list of foods he will not eat anymore... sorry Daddy but Fried Turkey is at top of the list.  Apparently the flavor of Fried Turkey tastes the same going down as it does coming up and can mask the flavors of asparagus, spaghetti noodles, spaghetti sauce, tenderloin and steak!  Good to know, but I'm guessing you as well as the Husband and me didn't need that juicy detail.  Sorry for the juicy reference...

I'm going to go check on the sick who is the afflicted.  Have a good one y'all.

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