Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Check-Off List..

I had acupuncture today.  While Kolleen was taking my pulse-- the customary way we start all my sessions: just after discussing my bowel habits in detail and just before she looks at my tongue's fuzz-- she asked me if I've been having trouble focusing and remembering things.  I'm not sure how taking my pulse can tell her these sort of things, but she was spot on.  Not only am I having trouble remembering things, but I'm having trouble remembering to remember to do things.

So I'm taking time to do a little reflective Christmas Check-Off List:

  1. Have You Purchased All Your Christmas Presents?  Thought so, but after talking to the Sister, I found out that I have at least one more gift to purchase, probably tomorrow, for our Aunt and Uncle as well as finish stocking stuffers for the Husband.  Sister is lucky-- she just got married and is basically giving pictures as gifts...or at least that is what I would do if I had just gotten married.  In fact, five Christmas' ago I did just that! 
  2. Have You Wrapped All Your Christmas Presents? No. The Christmas Gifts are not wrapped. Although many are. Remember that part above about forgetting things-- I went to Michaels' today-- twice. I was only supposed to go once-- to get what I thought then was the last few Christmas presents and tissue paper so I could start and finish wrapping presents. But I got so distracted from picking out the "last two" presents that I forgot all about the tissue paper until I had paid and was in the parking lot going to the next store for another present that I had forgotten all about. So I had to go back for the tissue paper... So soon, the presents will be wrapped and the mess on my living room floor will be cleared.
  3. Have You Cleaned the House for Santa?  Nope.  But the Husband and I are planning to have a small gathering-- mostly our folks and etc., over for dessert and the best hot chocolate ever on Friday night, so probably before then I'll get to mopping and junk.  You know Santa doesn't come to messy houses?  Right?
  4. Have You Done Your Holiday Shopping at the Dreaded Grocery Store?  Not yet.  I'm making a list tonight.  I hate going to the grocery store, but I'm thinking that sometime during the day tomorrow it won't be such a pain the ass to go.  I read somewhere that you are best prepared to deal with stressful situations first thing in the morning-- I suppose that is why tests (pregnancy and state standardized) are recommended for mornings. 
  5. Have You Baked Anything Yet?  Not exactly, but I plan to for the 'Just Desserts' gathering.
  6. Have You Decorated Your House-- Inside and Out?  Yes!  We finished last week.  I finally broke down and got greenery for the first four windows, wreaths for the kitchen windows and tear drop swags for under the coach lights by the doors.  I tied the bows and everything-- even though I don't really know how to properly tie a bow-- it probably has something to do with me being a lefty and that I never took Horticulture I in High School-- who knew that bow-tying was part of the curriculum?  From a distance you can't tell and that is all that matters.
  7. Have You Gotten the Perfect Dirty Santa Gift for Christmas at Grandma's?  Yes.  I have the best gift E-V-E-R!  A pornament from Spencer Gifts-- blown glass and cute as pie-- it's Santa bending over his pile of gifts and his black thong is peaking out along with a tattoo on his cute little butt!  I think it is going to be a big hit...
Aside from ruining any chance of a Christmas surprise for the Husband, I'm feeling good about my chances of turning all the no's to yes' and I'm thinking that most likely tomorrow I'll be done with Christmas shopping and possibly Christmas present wrapping.  And it is not hard to ruin a surprise when you basically call up your husband and tell him that you are buying a J. Crew wool coat.  It wasn't meant to be a Christmas present, but try explaining that to the Husband...

I sure hope I've not forgotten anything...

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