Wednesday, December 14, 2011

And the Waiting Ends...sort of...

My period started.  Can you feel the relief?  I've not been this happy to see a period since that time during my senior year of high school.  But we won't go into that right now.  Regardless I'm so very happy to get this fertility show on the road...

So the next morning after getting the not-so-monthly-visitor, I called up the friendly RE's office to schedule an appointment. 

7:45am.  I got Matter-of-Fact Nurse this time.  She is very nice, but blunt... which generally I appreciate in a person.  She led me back to the examining room, plugs my name  into the ultrasound machine.  The CNA was putting what must be some sort of condom on the internal probe-- and regardless of how many times I see them do that, it always takes me by surprise.

Minutes later I'm in the stirrups, waiting for the probe.  Matter-of-Fact Nurse inserts and up on the screen, next to a bunch of baby follicles is a rather large 4 inch cyst on my left ovary.  Funny, I wasn't expecting that.  If I had just finished a cycle I would have, but it has been weeks since we've done any sort of cycle.  Funny.  Ha.  Ha.  Ha.

So we've got two options... 1) wait this cycle out and hope over time it will go away with my next period or 2) take two weeks worth of birth control pills to try to make the giant disappear.  After thinking it over for about two seconds, I told her to get me the pills. 

I'm very much against birth control pills.  I feel that some, if not a lot, of my condition was made worse by years and years of taking them.  But in college, after the scare in high school, I was determined to regulate my period and take away the worry for good.  And for someone like me, who hoards stress, less worry was just what I needed-- at the time.  Now I have a whole new set of worries.  Don't think the irony of the situation is lost on me.

So now I am taking the pill... again.  And from there we will try this again, from the top.  The good news is that I will be on Christmas break!  Don't tell me that God doesn't have a plan greater than mine!

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