Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Last Little Bit...

I should be sleeping... considering that is nearly 3:30am and I've been up since 6:30 this morning.  But I did take a short nap somewhere in the hour of 7 o'clock this afternoon.  But still, all week I've been exhausted because much of my job has consisted on sitting around watching students take their end-of-year exams.  A very boring job it is indeed.  And being so mind-numbingly boring all I've been able to do lately is sleep-- except now.

I think it has something to do with the fact that after supper I came home to start watching a movie called "Towelhead."  It's not what you think.  It was filmed in 2007 and is based off a book by the same name.  Basically it is a coming of age story set in the early 1990's in a suburb in Texas, about a girl of middle eastern decent that is sent to live with her strict father.  It is one of those movies that deals with pretty heavy content and after you finish watching it you want to get a shower because you feel so utterly dirty for watching it.  The worst part is-- during the last 15 minutes-- just as a resolution seemed to be building, and I was gladly hoping for a happy resolution, a storm came up and knocked out the TV.

So I invested almost two hours of my life watching this horrible movie and I didn't get to see the last little bit-- the bit I was counting on to make me feel a little bit better about spending my night watching this movie.

Now, everytime I close my eyes I think back to all the terrible things I saw in that movie.  Frankly it scares me to think that this sort of story could actually occur and that other 13 year old girls have experienced the same sort of thing.  Obviously this girl was experiencing the normal changes associated with puberty but then to be taken advantage of countless times by most of the adult figures in her life-- it was just more than I could bare.

So I'm on line looking at happy things-- like marriage photography pages of local photographers-- and handmade items on

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