Monday, May 3, 2010

Tan Fat vs. Pale Fat (we already know the answer)...

I'm on a fittness kick these days.  Every year, about this time, I get on a fittness kick.  Maybe it is the Victoria Secret's Swimsuit catalogs that keep appearing in my mailbox... or that my metabolism has slowed since I was in high school... it could be that I stopped tanning in the tanning bed a few years ago-- and we all know, tan fat is better than pale fat anyday... and since I'm a big white mess, I guess I can't stand to look at it and love it anymore.

Oh, for the days of care-free fun and high self-esteem!  I recall days, back when I was in my early (cocky) college years, when the then-boyfriend-now-Hubster and I would go down to the beach in July for a couple of days.  I'd wear my string black two piece and I would be tanned all over from going to the tanning bed.  I'd start going to the tanning bed in early January... you know to make sure I was good and dark... didn't everybody?  And you couldn't tell me shit.  I wasn't in perfect shape, but I remember coming home from those beach vacations and telling the then-boyfriend-now-Hubster how bad everyone looked and how good I felt about how decent I looked and how lucky he was to have me.  The nerve... the gall.  How dare me!

And then I got a pre-cancerous mole on my very special private parts and that ended my love affair with the tanning bed.

I miss those days... living it up in the tanning bed... eating junk all day long and never gaining an inch... laughing, secretly, at my roommates when they wanted to run!  Run!  Exercise?  Sweat-- no way!  And now... I can't seem to get enough work into my workouts.

Most days I walk two miles outside.  That is my base.  I've even cut out Nacho cheese flavored chips for Wheat Thins and sometimes hummus, if I'm feeling extra dangerous.

My goal is to look like my college self-except not as tan.  I'd really like to look better than my college-self... I think I'm more motivated than I've ever been.  I'm even thinking about taking up running.  And I hate to run.

By the way-- this is completely unrelated, but I can hear the TV from our office/guest bedroom...  Who are these "Pretty Wild" chicks on the E! network and how did they get a show?  What makes them so damned special and when am I going to get my own reality show?  I'm just as interesting and rarely cry as much as these girls seem to.

I'm not saying, I'm just saying is all...

But seriously, I think to make myself stick with my fittness kick, I need to set a goal.  So while I'm working on my goal and maybe building back my self-esteem... I'd like to leave you will a little life lesson.

In February my school focused on Fairness... and rightfully so, because school is the only place where fair matters.  The world doesn't care if you don't get an extra cupcake or if you don't get a piece of candy.  The world doesn't care that some people have money and you don't.  The world doesn't care that your neighbor gets a new car and you are still driving the same Honda Civic that you've always drove.

The world doesn't care.  If the world cared and, for that matter, was fair... I'd have my cousin Annah's genes.  I'd have the flat stomach and naturally tanned skin.  If the world was fair I'd look better than I did 5 years ago or 10 years ago.  So as the Hubster becomes better looking, I have to spend a little extra time in front of the mirror just before bed, applying lotions and potions to keep my youthful 'glow'.

So life's not fair... and to make matters worse, we all know that tan fat is better than pale fat, anyday.

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