Friday, May 28, 2010

Exciting News on the Homefront...

So after waiting, patiently-- I might add, our house lot is finally double-wide free!  I really felt awful about making the man that lived on our lot leave... but like the Hubster said, "he knew from the time that he bought that double-wide that he'd have to move it off eventually."  And 18 years later, he did.

But I can't help but feel a little horrible about it, especially when I was at the Dollar General (DG) last week trying to buy some painkillers for me and some candy for the kids I'd be testing the following day. While I was looking for my headache medicine, I over heard the man we made move grumbling to the cashier about how much trouble it had been.  He was quick to say that he didn't really have a choice-- it wasn't his land.

But the good news is that the lot is cleared.  I'd post a picture, but seeing how I just remembered to take my picture-taking device home from the office-- I've just not had time to document the occassion.

Maybe soon.

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