Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lemon Squares-- a step-by-step how-to...

To commemorate Confederate Memorial Day on Sunday, I put myself in charge of making a baked good for my United Daughter's of the Confederacy Chapter.  It was sort of my idea to scale down the food production in the first place.  I've been a member of our group for about five years now and each year it seemed like we did a little more or added a little something or other and I had had enough.

So at our last hostile meeting, I suggested that we have three food items and two beverage options.  Most everyone was okay with that.  And really-- it is not like we are drawing a crowd here, especially after our 145th anniversary program this past March-- we're all burnt out. Plus, we have our memorial day so early in the season, that it barely is a blip on the radar of our own club members, not to mention our own state historic site workers.

So I volunteered to make a baked good, seeing how I was responsible for the Earth shattering change.  I decided to make Lemon Squares, a recipe I have made several times successfully from my church's cookbook.

Lemon Squares: Submitted by Becky M. in the Ebenzer United Methodist Church Cookbook

1 box of lemon cake mix
1 stick of butter   
3 eggs
1 package of cream cheese
8 oz of powdered sugar

In large bowl mix 1 egg, a melted stick of butter and the cake mix until it looks like this....

Sort of like cookie dough.  I use a fork to mix in everything.  If you're making this with small children, they'd probably like to use their hands.


Press the mixture in the bottom of a well greased rectangle shaped pan.

But you may want to remove your rings first.

Then you need to...

Mix the powdered sugar, two eggs, and cream cheese in another large bowl.

Until it looks like this and then...

Spread it out over the cake mix mixture you already pressed into the pan.

Set your oven to 350 degrees and keep it in for about 30 to 40 minutes.  I kept this batch in for about 40 minutes... but my oven runs a tad cool.

And presto-chango...

This is what you should end up with, of course after cutting them into squares.

I highly recommend giving them a try.  They are really easy and a big crowd pleaser.  Preparation is quick-- I don't even have to get out my big Kitchen Aid stand mixer for this like I normally would for my more complex cheesecake recipe.

Also, if you and your crowd is not so wild about lemon-- any cake mix should work, so your options are really limitless.  To me, they are a little less predictable than the standard brownie and more grown-up than cookies-- but just as easy.   But be warned:  these are not filling in the least-- I think it is the evil lemon flavoring in the mix--so don't be surprised if you eat like 5 in one sitting and still are coming back for more.  Good thing they make good gifts!

Yum... Lemon Squares!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

So Maybe I DO Have a Problem...

So the Hubster mentioned that I need to stop buying so much stuff online one night over supper.  I didn't realize that my hermit-like shopping ways-- avoiding the outside world as much as possible-- was such a problem.  But he has evidence to the contrary...

All the boxes waiting to be carried out, stacked somewhat neatly beside the kitchen trashcan seem to say that I just might have a problem.  But I can argue that these could have accumulated over many weeks and months...

But then the other day I found this on my latest online purchase...

A note from the UPS man...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

10-22 the Rhinestones...

So the steroids the doctor prescribed for the mystery rash on my neck seem to be keeping me up.  And since I'm up...

I found myself a little disappointed this week.  I am member of one of those sample sale websites that sends me email notifications each day pertaining to 24 hour sales on certain designer duds.  As I think I've mentioned before, these members-only sales are very competitive and getting the actual mechandise you desire can be quite tricky-- especially if you have job where you can't be cruising for internet specials.

Anyway... I managed to snag a lovely pair of AG jeans for the bargain price of $80 bucks one day during Spring Break.  Don't tell The Hubster-- I told him I got them for $60.  But regardless, I was excited because I could always use another pair of jeans.

So they arrived this week and immediately I was disappointed.  They had this rhinestone tag patch on the waistband which kind of reminded me of the 'grandma' Lee Brand Jeans jeans my mom used to make me wear in grade school with the big, huge leather patch... except it was all bedazzled and that just ain't me.

But then I thought, hey!  your untucked shirts will cover that tacky-- cheap looking patch.  So I decided that I'd at least try them out. 

So I pulled off my shorts and put on the pants.  Not only were they at least a foot too long for me, they were ultra-low cut and barely covered my underwear!  So now I had this pair of jeans, that I can't wear out in public (I did the bend-over test, and it was all butt-crack and gross with my underwear peaking out of the sides and my gut was all out over the front, which was gross)... that I was all excited about getting and wearing to work on Friday.  It was a definite 10-22 moment.  (For those of you not down with the CB reference-- 10-22 means "call it off")

Today they went to the UPS store for a return and store credit.

Next time, I need to spend some more time looking at description of an item before committing to purchase even if there is massive pressure for the item.

You live you learn.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Break and Reality Checks Equals Guilt...

Today is the last day of Spring Break...  I know... I know-- it's crazy that Elementary School students get a Spring Break!  I seriously doubt any of my students hit Panama City or had to get their stomach pumped or appeared on 'Girls' Gone Wild'-- well, let's hope that they didn't or I'm going to be one busy counselor come tomorrow... and I spent the morning doing one of my favorite pastimes-- shopping.

I was supposed to be super-productive this week.  Last Friday (Good Friday) I started off my vacation by working-out on the Wii Fit and cleaning up the house.  Saturday I did a little more cleaning and ran some errands and worked-out.  Sunday morning-- the Hubster and I both got up for Sun Rise Service and then Monday came and I've fell off the wagon.

Over Spring Break I was going to type my minutes from the last 6 UDC meetings.  I was going to get the hood of my Civic painted (but the Pine Tree Pollen had other plans).  I was going to get the oil changed in my Civic too.  I was going mop the floors, clean the bathroom real good, get my hair cut, and I was going to wake up early each and every day.

In reality I've done none of those things.  I've slept in... spent obscene amounts of money on clothing... and I've laid around in my PJ's almost the entire day unless I had to put on "real" clothing.

On the positive side-- I have worked-out each and every day.  My Wii Fit is really proud of me.

I'm hoping that my shopping bug is behind me.  I got a new pair of heeled sandals, a gauzy sweater that I can wear over tanks- swimsuits, dresses, a cool tank that has knots in the straps... I got a dress for work... and I just ordered a pair of jeans, a black pencil skirt (that I desparatly needed) and a pair of blue shorts that I want to see if they will fit (they may go back).  I also got the Hubster a little something as well-- a monogramed polo (he loves those).

This will probably be the last big spending trip I take for a while.  My days as a "care-free twenty-something" are slowly drawing to a close.  The Hubster and I are venturing into adulthood because of the "dream house."

Don't get me wrong-- I'm excited about the house... I'm just not excited about paying for it.  But that is life, right?  With all good things, comes sacrifice.

So now I'm in the throws of buyer's remorse.

Guilt... my new favorite emotion!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

CBS Sunday Morning Made Me Do It...

The Hubster and I used to be "good" people. Meaning, we'd wake up on Sunday mornings, cook a little breakfast, and then get ready for church.

Throughout our dating years we never went to each other's church much. My church is small-- 50 members on the church roster with around 30 in attendance every Sunday-- did I mention that we are all pretty much related? And being a small church I became very involved in the comings and goings of my church. I was a Sunday school teacher for the two small children in our church for a time and when we decided to redecorate, I volunteered for a job on the committee.

The Hubster grew up in a larger church-- they might have 50 people on the church roster, but they have at least 70 to 80 people every Sunday filing up the church. His denomination is similar to mine, although they say a different version of the Lord's Prayer and the Apostle's Creed-- however his church is much more laid back. Meaning-- they wear blue jeans and smoke in the church yard after the service. His church is friendly and kind... and that probably explains the high-parishioner turnout each and every Sunday. They are also not all related either.

That being said, I love my church and I enjoy going to my church-- except that my preach thinks he is Pentecostal and we are strongly Methodist. The most noisy you make on any given Sunday is when your tummy starts to grumble.  Also, the people in my church can be a bit cold-- mainly because they are used to the people they are used to and new comers have a hard time fitting in-- not being related and all.

So as newlyweds we had to make a decision on how we would handle the whole church ordeal. I would prefer to attend my church, he would prefer to attend his church-- however, if I left it up to him to decide, we'd go nowhere-- as he likes to sleep in on Sundays.

Recently we've been attending the church of CBS Sunday Mornings. I love that show. Even before marriage, I would always find myself late for church because I hated to miss a minute of that fabulous and informative program.

But I believe that CBS Sunday Mornings might be the devil. Because of CBS Sunday Mornings I learned about a website that offers designer duds at rock bottom prices. AND of course I signed up.

So now, I find myself obsessed, speeding home as soon as work is over to see what kind of stuff is available for me to purchase.  Things that I don't need, but want very, very badly.

Today I just received a beautiful Miguelina silk crepe day dress that I can't wait to wear to work-- for the killer price of $139 bucks!

Of course the news piece on CBS Sunday Mornings was not about the bargain-- it was about the psychology of buying... how people get seduced into purchasing items because of a markdown price.

They gave a perfect example: There is this restaurant in NYC that has a hamburger on the menu that costs like 10 times more than what a restaurant style burger would normally cost. The restaurateur said they did this because when someone is scanning the menu and they see this outrageous price, then they feel like they are getting a bargain when they purchase the filet for $60 bucks.

Sneaky. Huh?

And even though I know this-- I've been sucked in as well. The other day I had a conversation with my friend Olivia over the cell phone.

Olivia: What are you doing?

Me: I just got on this website to see what is for sale today.

Olivia: Anything good?

Me: Well.... there is this Black Halo top on sale for 60 dollars. It was originally $345. That is a great deal! Oh and they have my size!

Olivia: I would never pay $60 for a shirt... I don't care who made it or what it used to cost.

Me: I know.. but I would!  But it's Black Halo-- and I love Black Halo and that is a DEAL!

Olivia: I don't care-- you shouldn't buy it because it has a name.  That is silly.

Me: But...

Olivia: Emily-- come on! 60 dollars for a shirt you probably will only be able to wear once! NO.

This went on and on... and I finally felt guilty enough that I decided not to get it. And I didn’t need to get it because she was absolutely right.  It wasn't even that pretty either!  Olivia knows I'm trying to be good and save money-- after all we are still trying to build the dream house (more on that to come later)...

So the first step to recovery is acceptance--
Hi, my name is Emily and I have shopping problem.... 

I'll start treatment after I go shopping tomorrow.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Off-the-Rack Gown, Haute Couture Hubby...

Back in the early Fall, my cousin-in-law got engaged to a military man.  They had been dating a while, off and on, through college.  At first things were tough.  She had been in a long term relationship with a friend-of-a-friend of his.  When that friend-of-a-friend became one of his roommates, it made things a little uncomfortable.  She wanted to date and have fun... he wanted something different.  So for a while there it looked like they were constantly at opposite sides and would never get things figured out.

But then he joined the Special Forces and soon he was gone.  Apparently all my psychology professors were wrong (at least in this case)-- absence did make the heart grow fonder.  Soon they were involved in a lovely long-distance relationship.

When he came home they were always at each others' side and we all knew it wouldn't be long before they made it offical. 

I knew it was serious when she started talking about eloping or having a courthouse wedding.  My cousin-in-law, who I've known for 11 years, loves clothing and designer duds and more over, loves to be the center of attention and when I heard her say that she just wanted him over a huge party, I knew that this was serious.

So this past Fall they became engaged.

As all new brides-to-be, she and her family wanted to start planning.  But then there was this whole Afganistan War to contend with.  Because he is in the Special Forces, he could be deployed at any moment.  To complicate matters more, he wanted his brother there when he said 'I do' and, of course, the brother was in the Special Forces as well.  So the question of when became the sixty-four million dollar question.

In December they felt certain that he would be deployed in February-- they just weren't sure when.  In January it still looked like a February deployment but not until the middle part of the month.  The weekend of February 6th started to seem like the date. The brother would be back from his mission and that left three weeks to pull off a ceremony and reception.

The ceremony and sit-down dinner reception took place on Saturday, February 6th at the brides church with around 100 guests attending.  The bride wore a beautiful off-the-rack gown.  She was quick to tell my sister that "it was not the dress, but he was the guy." 

Below I have posted some pictures from that night.  Enjoy!

The Bride after the ceremony

Bridal Accessories by Jenny

Wedding Bands

Jenny and Me--
I'm actually dying for chapstick or lipstick at this point in the evening.  I'd even threatened to kiss someone on the lips for a little gloss!

The Hubster and Me
-- he wouldn't wear the purple shirt and tie I had for him to wear... the Hubster is sooo vain!

Brother-in-Law-- Chance and Girlfriend (that we love)-- Nicki

The Happy Couple and Bridal Party doing some strange dance moves...

A happy follow-up:  The Groom has not had to deploy yet.  They are waiting at this time for a new deployment date.  Meanwhile, my cousin-in-law and her husband are in the process of building a place to live.

He Said He's Caught a Troll?...

 I have a rather tasteless story to pass along.  My cousin, the one that could be a super model-- if she was just a little bit taller-- works as a nurse in a large hospital in Wake County.  She was telling me last night that one of her co-workers has a sister who has a son that is an adult but is mentally challenged and lives with his mom. 
She preceeded to tell me that a few weeks ago, the son called his mother at work and told her that he had found a troll.  The mom felt something was wrong and started to worry.  She could tell something was wrong but her son seemed excited and reassured her that nothing was wrong-- he had found a troll!  She told her son to call his grandmother, hoping that the grandmother would go check on the boy, because she couldn't leave work.

A couple of hours later, the son called his mom back again, excited.  "I've captured the troll.... can I keep it?" he asked.  Alarmed at this point and completely confused the mom decided to leave work on her lunch hour and check on her son.

She reached the house finding it completely trashed.  The blinds were hanging off the windows... furniture was overturned.  The mom was certain something horrible had taken place in her home.  She called for her son, who came happily down from his room to greet his mother and preceeded to tell her about the troll he had captured in his room. 

The mom raced upstairs to her son's bedroom.  "Where is the troll?" she asked her son.  He pointed to his locked closet door.

"It is in my closet." 

The family lived in an older home so there was a lock on the door.  Upon finding the key, she opened the closet to indeed find something that didn't belong...although it was not a troll, but a Little Person.

The Little Person worked for the United States Census Bureau and was going door-to-door to gather Census information.  The son had watched her all morning going from house to house and when she knocked on his door, he immediately sprung into action taking her has his captive.

My question is-- what if this mom had decided to stay at work?  That poor lady would have been locked in that closet for the whole day!

Moral of this story-- Fill out your census information!