Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday Marathon, Boots, and Loot...

If you are reading this, it means that we've survived Christmas.  And I'm pleased to say that this year no one screamed or yelled or even laid a 'cussin' on anyone.  A Christmas Mircale!

The Hubster and I had our marathon holiday, as is our "new" custom.  The first year we were married we ended up going to 2 breakfast's, 1 early lunch, followed by 1 early supper, and wrapped up with 1 late supper.  Since that year I've eliminated breakfast... we still do everything else-- plus visit his parent's house before we go to lunch.

Yesterday we woke up around 7:45ish.  The Hubster had ended up sleeping in his clothes on the couch.  We cut up a cheese danish and made hot chocolate (well, I made hot chocolate) and watched part of TBS' 24 hour marathon of "The Christmas Story."

We eventually decided to open up presents.  The Hubster got some awesome gifts.  I got some pretty nice onces myself.  I'm now the proud owner of some really nice cowboy boots.  I've alwasy wanted a pair-- but I've never been able to pick out any that suited me.  Too many choices.  So, in passing I mentioned to the Hubster that I'd like a pair. 

ME:  Those boots are really pretty.

HUBSTER: What?  I thought you didn't like boots?

ME: I never said I don't like boots-- I just could never find any that fit my foot right and I could never make up my mind.  If someone picked me out a pair, I'd wear them. 

And poof-- I got boots!

The Hubster also got me some Wii games.  Now we aren't gamers-- in the least.  In the 5 months that we've had the Wii, it's been played maybe 4 times.  But I wanted that new Mario Brother's game that is very similar to the one that came with the very first Nintendo system.  I love that game.

Anyway... I'm not going to bore you with more of my Christmas loot.  Just know that Santa Claus did come to my parents house and I got some really thoughtful and useful presents sprinkled with some wants.

Today I'm doing a little online shopping and hanging out with my favorite little Itlaian-- Mario.  Hope your day after Christmas is going well.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas Y'all...

So this is Christmas...

My hands and fingers are offically sore from all the papercuts from wrapping presents.  This year I ordered my wrapping paper on-line from Papermart.  I try not to buy wrapping paper that is too Christmas-y because I'd like to use it long after the Christmas season.  So I ordered a pink houndstooth print and a pink, plum, white, and gold stripe print.  Each roll is two foot wide and 100 feet in length.  I hand tie every bow with gold wired ribbon and I attach a glittery name tag (Christmas trees for the pink houndstooth and Gold Merry Christmas for the stripe).

Did I mention my hands and fingers hurt?

I just killed the Christmas mouse that was living in our kitchen.  Evidently there is a hole or something under our stove that occassionally lets in a mouse.  And since its been raining like crazy, farmers haven't been able to get in the fields to harvest the cotton or soybeans-- until now-- so little field mice are looking new homes.  The joys of living in the country, surrounded by fields!  On the flip side, I'd much rather a country mouse than a city rat! 

So, hopefully, no creatures will be stirring on Christmas Eve night.

I've just remembered that I've neglected to finish buying our dog, Buddy, his Christmas.  I'm going to have to take care of that, ASAP.  We generally don't buy him too much during the year-- he chews up everything we ever give him-- but at Christmas time, we like to spoil him, just a little bit-- let him chew up whatever he likes!

I can't decide if I should get something for my brother-in-law's girlfriend.  They've not been dating too long and I don't think I'll see her Christmas day or anything... but I really like her.  This is the first girl he's ever dated that I can actually talk to.  So when I run out to pick up the dry cleaning, I might stop and get her a little something.

I finally got around to taking some pictures of my Christmas decorations.  I'm going to post a few.

Welcome to Our Home...

From the Front of the House...

From the Side Porch (excuse the cords)...

My White "Naughty" Tree...

Our Real Tree (The Hubster wrapped the presents without bows-- they are for me)...

Our Christmas Card...

Other's Cards...

Our Stairs...

The Living Room Mantel...

A Glittery Name Tag...

More Christmas Tree...

And more Christmas Tree...

And More White Tree...


My Manger Scene (my sister and I used to fight over who got to play with it)...

Ain't it pretty?...

Some Christmas Kitchen Decorations...

Happy Holidays... Warm Wishes... and Merry Christmas Y'all...

Who Would Have Thunk It?...

I've mentioned it before, the Hubster and I are in the pre-process of building our "dream house."  We've got the plan all picked out and the artist rendering sits on our "re-claimed" coffee table as a reminder of such.  And currently, the land deed is at the lawyers' office being transferred into our name.  Needless to say, it is a very exciting time for us.

Recently, however, I've discovered that excitment can lead to anxiety.  I'll be walking along, minding my business and I'll start to worry, "Can we afford this?" or "Will we still be able to save money with a large house payment?" or better yet, "No more frivolous spending on shoes or tops or dresses once this house is built-- Goodbye, childhood, goodbye style!-- Hello tacky Christmas Sweathers and Teacher Jumpers!"

It is sad really-- you just can't have it all.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  There's this man, Danny, that has offered to help us with getting things in order.  Who would have thunk it? 

To explain I'll have to take you back to three years ago, just after my wedding.

My cousin, Sarah, who is a mere three months older than me, had decided to start dating a man that was 25 years older than us.  He was weatlhy and connected. And our Uncle, who is also wealthy and connected and the same age as this man, went ballistic.  So when they got engaged Christmas Eve night, three years ago, it created a problem in my family.  A little dysfunction, if you will.

I'll never forget walking into my Grandma's house, Christmas Night, to the sounds of yelling and people crying under the carport.  The Hubster and I had just left a very tranquil scene at his grandmother's home, expecting to find my rowdy bunch gathered around the Christmas tree and finishing up dessert. 

Instead, my cousin Sarah was no where to be found.  My Aunt, the mother of Sarah, was at home crying while her other daughter, Annah was crying under the carport with my Daddy.  My Grandma, who loves Sarah the most, was yelling at my Uncle.  She basically told him to get out and never come back.

He left with his wife and three children and a very confused and hungry boyfriend... poor Ashton.

The rift opened up all the hurt feelings that had been stowed under the surface for years.  I was instantly sucked into the maddness as well.  We all were.  I was angry with Sarah and I couldn't understand why she was so determined to ruin things.  Years of repressed feelings and anger bubbled to the surface.  I was convinced that she was nothing but selfish.  It didn't help that she had treated my friends badly during my "Girls' Weekend" at Wrightsville Beach-- three weeks before my wedding. I was not interested, at the time, in understanding what she was going through.

But one night-- not that long ago-- I decided to just let go of the anger and the hurt and move on-- to forgive.  The anger I was feeling towards Sarah was not healthy and it was starting to run my life.  So one night, I just let it go.

My way of forgiving was to accept what was going on and acknowledge Sarah in this relationship through a party.  I was going to host a Bridal Brunch.  It would be a small gathering of family, here at my house.  We would dine on the porch surrounded by my knockout roses and gardenia bushes.  I had even ordered the cutest favors ever-- woven palm fans, in case the heat was too much for early June.  I was going to decorate my porch columns like May-Pole's... I was very excited to be able to host such a party.

The invitations were at the printers, the meeting with my rentals guy was all set up.  All that I was waiting for was a phone call with the guest list.

Instead, I got a call from my father, who happened to be on a fishing trip in Virginia.  He told me to stop planning the party-- the wedding was off.  The man had cancer.  Not just any cancer either-- Lung, Liver, and Bone.  That was back in May-- just a month before the wedding.

The wedding was called off and Sarah and this man started down the path of recovery.  Instead of talking about honeymoon destinations or flowers, they were talking Chemo and Radiation.  Sarah had to start keeping a time log of pain medications, instead of a wedding checklist.  Instead of Sarah and this man's name being printed in a wedding bulletin, his was printed in the 'prayers & concerns' section of our church bulletin.

Our Uncle, who was so against this wedding and union, found room in his heart to forgive as well.

This man is Danny.  Danny is involved in the construction world.  His father was a builder, his brother is a builder, and up until his sickness, he owned and ran a successful lumber yard.  He still is involved in this world and he has, so graciously, offered to help the Hubster and I with our home.

Last night, while celebrating the 23rd birthday of my cousin Annah, Danny mentioned his idea to my husband and me.

He doesn't have to do this, but he wants to.  He thinks we could save us some money-- which would be great.  He says he considers us family. 

Life is unpredictable and cruel sometimes.  You aren't promised anything.  Three years ago, I would have never thought things would have turned out this way.  I would never, not in a million years, have ever thought that my whole family would be gathered under one roof again.  I would have never believed that anyone, who had been treated so badly, could really turn the other cheek.

Forgiveness is an amazing tool that we all need to use more often and much sooner.  I wish now that I hadn't let my own petty feelings keep me from getting to know Danny and moving forward with Sarah.  I can't turn back time, but I can continue to make things right in the future. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another Wedding...

So I've been a tad remiss in not blogging lately... but, as always, I've got a great couple excuses.  Namely, my husband's cousin-- my old college roommate and very good friend-- got married this past weekend and I was, of course, a bridesmaid.

And being a good bridesmaid I lent my services the week before the wedding to help the bride get the things she needed to get-- you know, the last minute things that seem to slip one's mind.  And since the bride decided to get married during the busiest month of the year-- there were things that she had forgotten.  I was more than happy to help-- even if it meant, a whole week without blogging about Christmas ornaments or the ultra-funny 'Dirty Santa' game we played a couple weekends ago with my mama's family.

The wedding was beautiful and I'm very excited to see the photos.  The photographer-- Stacy Borelli of Swank Photo Studio (formerly The Art Bouquet)-- had us in a snowy-white cotton field for a bunch of the outdoor shots.  And even though it was the coldest day of the year (so far) I can tell the pictures are going to be great.  Stacy did my wedding photos-- we ended up on the cover of a magazine and making editors pick in a The Knot photo contest-- she is amazing and I highly recommend her to anyone with a wedding coming up or small children.

Unfortunately I left my camera at home for all the wedding stuff.  I would have loved to have posted some unprofessional pictures from this past weekend.  I'm hoping that the other bridesmaids will share their pics.  I'll post if I can.

The other big distraction has been Christmas preparations.  Last week I finally finished the final touches to the outdoor trees-- Sunday I finally got down the last of the indoor decorations and put them up. And I made two trips to local towns to do some shopping for some friends.

I've still got a lot to take care of and I'm hoping that this weekend I get all that accomplished. 

I promise to post some pictures of my excessive tree decorations-- real soon.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Tall Christmas Tree...

I had a genious idea on Friday as the Hubster and I discussed our Christmas Tree plans for this Holiday Season.  Of course we'd put the artifical white tree, that stands about 5 foot all, in the back entrance of the house and the real tree in the front hallway/entrance.  The Hubster suggested we get a tree before the weekend was over-- which I was all for because I would be home to decorate it.  The Hubster suggested we get a tree from the grocery store, since our usual tree lot was no longer in business. 

"NO!"  I screamed.  "The only good thing about our old house is the tall ceilings-- We need a tall tree to show off our ceilings.  NO, we are getting a TALL tree this year!  Besides, a grocery store tree is not near good enough for us!  You remember the first tree we got from the Food Lion?  I dried up and died two weeks after we got it!  You really want to buy a short, stubby, dried up tree?"

"No, but at least it won't cost that much money."  He replied looking less than thrilled at the conversation we were having.  He really hates it when I get all tree snobby.

"We are getting a TALL TREE!"

So that Sunday we loaded up and headed to the nearest tree lot with TALL trees.  We found the perfect tree that was almost 10 foot tall!  The gentleman we bought it from-- Spanky-- even cut the end off and put it in the back of the Hubster's truck.  I was so happy because that meant no cussing and yelling once we got it home to put the stand on.

We got it home.  The Hubster got it in the door.  It was huge-- much bigger than it had looked on the tree lot.  The very tip top of the tree almost touched our ceiling.

"Wow, that's a big tree!"  I exclaimed, a little overwhelmed.

The Hubster didn't say anything except under his breath-- more to himself, "That's what you wanted."

The Hubster put the lights on.  A strand went out.  I left to go pick up supper while he fixed the dead strand.  When I got home the tree was lit and it was my turn to start decorating the 10 foot monster in my front hallway/entrance.

One hour into decorating I began to panic when I realized I would need a 6 foot ladder to be able to properly decorate the tree. 

Two hours into decorating and manipulating a 6 foot ladder around cords and boxes and tree limbs I began to loose it. 

Three hours into decorating and manipulating a 6 foot ladder around cords and boxes and tree limbs, and deciding that this tree was actually the devil, I realized that my genious idea about getting a large tree was a huge mistake.

Four hours into decorating the tree-- manipulating a 6 foot ladder and so on-- I was sticky from tree sap, aggrivated beyond belief at the Hubster who could not tear himself away from Charlie Wilson's War long enough to hold something up so I could figure out if it "goes" there or not.... I was forcefully removed from tree decorating by the Hubster who was tired of hearing me bitch and moan about how bad a job I had done decorating.

Since Sunday night I've made up with the tree and I'm starting to like it a little better.  However, I know I will never have a tree this big ever again-- even if we have 20 foot ceilings one day.

When I'm completely finished with my trees I'll share the pictures.