Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Fall Y'all

So I had promised pictures of my Halloween/Fall outdoor decorations-- once I got everything like I liked it.  Well-- it took some time.  Actually, on Saturday I was still working hard to get things perfect for the 2 Tricker-Treaters that we had Halloween night.

Of course, "perfection" comes at a price-- I received 4 very painful fire ant bites on my left foot and toes.  I suppose flip-flops were not the best idea for planting flowers.  Oh, hind-sight!

Our front door.  Excuse the shadow... imagine it gone, if you will.

At the base of our ugly evergreen trees that flank our front steps. See below.

Right Side

Left Side

Right Side Again...

At our side entrance...
(The Mums are past their prime--- but I got them a good three weeks ago 4 for $10!)

Spooky... huh?

Happy Fall Y'all...

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