Monday, November 23, 2009

Whooped So Hard, Her Head Fell Off...

Turns out all that hack-hack-hacking was something more than "just a bad cough."  It seems that I have contracted Whooping Cough.  Crazy, huh?

Evidently, as explained by my doctor, it is not so bad in adults, often looking like a bad cold or mild flu.  Three weeks ago when I went home sick and started living on the couch, popping fever reducers and coughing up my right lung, I probably had it then.  What remained was the constant and hacking cough.

The doctor happily put me on ethromycian and super heavy duty cough syrup.  Turns out that I'm allergic to ethromycian and I, sadly, started vomitting and breaking out in a rash about an hour and half into taking the pill.

So now I'm on a mondo dose of another class of drug that seems to be doing the trick.  The cough syrup is worth its weight in gold!

The good news I got more pictures from the party I threw last Saturday night.

The invite-- the favors

The back entryway to my home

Don't you just love my polka-dot lamp?

Undies garland

The Food Table-- I spray painted the twigs pink!

Cherish examining a slip-- it was so pretty!
 (Excuse my strange expression in the background)

I'll post more later.  The Hubster has been cooking me a lovely breakfast-for-supper meal and I must eat.

1 comment:

  1. Spray painting the twigs was such a great idea! Cute party!
