Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hack-Hack-Hacking Away-- Still...

So the cough isn't much better.  I thought it was-- it's not.  I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.  I pulled up the WebMD symptom checker at work and I'm afraid I have some sort of horrible disease now... something that could kill me. 

This is great timing on my part... this weekend is my friend, Cherish's, long-awaited bachelorette (did I spell that correctly?) party/weekend at the beach.  Looks like if things don't improve, I'm going to be hanging out at the house this weekend.

On the otherhand, a nice restful weekend might be just what I need to get back up to par.  Last week was nothing but a stress-fest worrying over the million-and-one-details of the shower I threw for Cherish.  Not that I minded in the least-- but looking back it probably didn't help my cough or the pain in my chest.

Yes-- I said pain and chest in the same sentence.  The WebMD symptom checker and already warned me to go to the nearest medical facility--stat.  Well, it may not have said stat-- but it would have been cool if it did.

In other news (that happens to be wedding related) I am trying to find a pretty pair of gold shoes with a high heel for the upcoming wedding.  If anyone happens to know of something fabulous, I'd love to know about it.

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