Friday, October 30, 2009

It's My Birthday-- well it was my Birthday...

My sister and her boyfriend are going to be H1N1 for Halloween.  One is going to wear H1 on a shirt and the other is going to wear N1 on a shirt.  Both will wear pig noses and possibly wings (get it? Swine Flu-- Swine Flew!)  Each year, Greenville-- home of the ECU Pirates, puts on a huge Halloween bash and since my sister's boyfriend's brother is at ECU and it is his 20th birthday they are going to celebrate in style.

Speaking of birthdays-- mine was yesterday.  I'm offically 27 and glad to be rid of 26.  Have I done anything special for my birthday?  Well-- sort of.

At work I get to plan Red Ribbon Week, which was this week-- the week in which communities and schools band together to educate our school children about the dangers of drugs.  Each day during the week we have a theme or "Spirit" day.  For example, Monday was "School Spirit" Day where students wore the school's colors and yesterday, Thursday, was "Put a Cap on Drugs" Day where students and staff could wear their favorite hat or ball cap.  Being a hat lover, I purposely planned hat day to fall on my birthday. 

A few years ago, after I discovered how much I love expensive jeans, the Hubster started taking me shopping for my birthday to buy me a pair of said expensive jeans.  Just another example of how I know that he loves me, because he thinks paying more than 50 bucks for a pair of jeans is highway robbery-- but for me, he will do it-- he bitches and moans about it--but he does it.  This has now became a tradition.  But this year instead of heading to the nearest mall, we ordered, on line, a pair of Joe's Jeans.  I'm hoping I love them as much as I think I will.

And since my birthday fell on a weekday, which most of the time it does, my family will manage to drag out the celebration to a weekend day that will allow everyone to celebrate.  I think Sunday my Daddy is cooking me ribs.  Yum!

But most excitingly (is that even a word?) today I took off work and the Hubster and I headed to Wilmington to look at house plans-- specifically the one we love-- which I consider another birthday celebration in itself.  And even though we've not purchased the plans yet, I think we are closer than ever.  We just have to talk to our builder to get an estimate and to see how many plans we will have to buy!  I'm excited!

So that wraps up my birthday news...  Hello 27, goodbye 26.  Here's hoping that 27 is good to me!

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