Monday, October 5, 2009

It's Wedding Time...

As soon as work was offically over, I quickly packed up my bags, and briskly walked to my old reliable red Honda.  I quickly cranked the car and the radio popped on to Ryan Seacrest.  Apparently the biggest Hollywood Headline out at the time was that Jon Gosselin, formerly of Jon & Kate, Plus 8 fame, had stolen $200,000 from a joint checking account he had with estranged wife, Kate, virtually wiping out the entire fund. 

The first thought that ran through my head was, "Wow!  I wish I had $200,000 in checking."  And the very next thought was, "So much for a friendly, quiet divorce."  Those poor kids.  I'm offering now, if they'd like to farm out a couple, I'll be glad to take Leah and Aaden.  Well, what the hell, I'll take Collin and Alexis too.

To be honest, I broke up with the show soon after the offical split.  I can't take the drama and, honestly, I felt guilty, because I truly believe that the show did damage the marriage and if I hadn't been so Gosselin crazy, maybe they'd still be together, in their average sized house, worried about finances-- but happy.

And speaking of happy... This weekend was one of the happiest.  (How is that for a transition?) 

My dear friend, Olivia, married her long time boyfriend, Byrne in beautiful Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina.  To be honest, I had worried all week long about this wedding.  After going through my own wedding, I've grown to appreciate how much planning and praying goes into even the simpliest of events and earlier in the week when our local weatherman was calling for rain, I began to worry for my friend and all her plans.  On top of that, and being the type that loves to worry, I found myself convinced that I was going to be stricken with Swine Flu and be unable to attend the wedding, rain or shine.

Luckily, I made it a full week Swine Flu-free and the rain the weatherman was calling for held off until today.  It was a beautiful weekend for an outdoor affair-- a nice balmy 82 degrees.

The ceremony and reception took place at the home a of local Lake Waccamaw resident that happened to be a personal friend of the bride and groom.  Olivia had explained to me that this was an awesome location, but not being from the area, I was having a hard time understanding why this was such a special place for them.

But then I saw it with my own eyes...

They married on a pier that was completely covered in the prettiest Impatients and other flora that I don't know the name of, that I've ever laid eyes on.

Of course, we got there late because my hair was a hot mess and we had to sit in over-flow seating (we live a good 2 hours away from Lake Waccamaw and its hard to figure out when you need to leave-- and then my hair looked like pooh-- an oh, well!)-- which turned out to be a blessing.  We had the best seats in the house and we got some awesome pictures that we wouldn't have been able to get otherwise.  I just wish my sister had carried in her heavy duty Cannon instead of my little point and shoot number.  (It's a Cannon too, but it's no where as nice)

Olivia's daddy presenting her in marriage.

   The other side of the pier, leading to the house and reception area.  By the way, I'm in love with Spanish Moss-- even if its parasitic...

Chowing down on some BBQ and BBQ chicken at the reception...

Sunset at the Lake...

Cherish and Christopher are getting married next!  And don't worry, he normally doesn't look like that-- My sister, Jenny, had him laughing about her trip to the Mountains with her boyfriend's family....  and it was really funny.

My sister, Jenny and her boyfriend, "Purple Rain" Porter...

Jenny on the Tour de Franzia...

Cherish, Lyndsey, Olivia, and me...

The Couple's first dance...

Let them eat cake...

I've had it with the humidity...

Wearing shades because our future is so bright...

And I'm the only one that hadn't been drinking!

All in all, it was a beautiful weekend for a beautiful couple who deserve all the happiness that a lifetime can bring.  Let's just hope that they don't get their own reality series that America falls in love with and eventually turns them against each other.

Jon and Kate-- my offer still stands. 

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